Unix for Web Development

UNIX was not designed to stop people from doing stupid things, because that would also stop them from doing clever things. -- D. Gwyn
UNIX Tutorial for Beginners
Very clear. Start with this one (from the University of Surrey).
UNIX for Information Architects
This is my "Reader's Guide" for the above tutorial from the U. of Surrey.
Unix Reference Guide
From Webmonkey.com
Enough Unix for your Resume
From Webmonkey's Pam Statz. Just replace her Telnet example with our SSH, and the rest of the tutorial is fine.
Web Developer's Virtual Library
For those who want to go deeper into Unix. Day 1-2 contain many useful tips of general interest.
How to Customize your Unix Prompt
Thanks and a tip-of-the-hat to CIT student Jason Bruderlin (06F).
Learning Emacs
The ultimate text editor for a Unix system.

HTACCESS: Setting up Password-Protected Web Directories

You can password-protect your web directories for web access-- if someone points their browser at such a directory, their browser will prompt them for an htaccess username and an htaccess password. The following pages describe how to set this up. (The only fact to add is that the two files used by HTACCESS must be world-readable (mode =755 or 644). This usually happens automatically, unless you have modifed the Unix umask variable.)