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Graduate Research Forum Details

Charecterization of Congestion-Controlled Bandwidth

Author:Aroon Nataraj
Date:November 09, 2004
Location:220 Deschutes


Observed performance by non-elastic applications (e.g. streaming) over the Internet primarily depends on their average bandwidth and its variations over short timescales. As the degree of interactivity of the applications increase, they become more sensitive to variations in bandwidth over shorter timescales. Therefore these applications can significantly benefit from charecterization of 'obtained bandwidth' over their corresponding timescales to effectively cope with bandwidth dynamics. But to properly charecterize bandwidth variations that an application is likely to experience, such charecterization should be conducted in an application-related setting i.e using a congestion control mechanism, target path and averaging timescale that are relevant to the application. We discuss some possible charecterizations, challenges involved and pose key research questions.