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Professor Stephen Fickas Awarded Most Influential Paper Award in Requirements Engineering

Stephen Fickas
A paper by Prof. Steve Fickas and his longtime research collaborator Martin Feather, currently at JPL, was recently selected as the Most Influential Paper from Requirements Engineering 1995.

The research paper, Requirements Monitoring in Dynamic Environments, Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, York, England, March 1995, by S. Fickas and M.S. Feather, received multiple nominations. Comments included: "A VERY influential paper that introduced the whole idea of requirements monitoring and considering requirements artifacts at run-time."

The award will be presented at Requirements Engineering 2005 in September in Paris, France. Congratulations to Steve for his ground-breaking work in software engineering! See Prof. Fickas' research website for a copy of the paper and more information about his work.