DEADLINES: The Marquess of Queensbury's

   "[Instructors] are a Superstitious Sect,
    Great Keepers of Set Times and Places."
	    --- Poor Richard's Almanac

Programming Projects

Projects are due at the start of class on their assigned due date, and are late thereafter. Please do not miss class to complete an assigment.

Working as part of a two-member programming team is an option; groups of three or more are not not an option. See Policy on Plagiarism for details.

In general, no late papers are accepted without your instructor's prior approval. If you have a legitimate reason for missing a deadline, please contact your instructor as soon as possible before the due-date, so that you can make arrangements.

Do not submit late work without contacting your instructor or GTF.

In particular, note that late work will not be graded if submitted "by stealth." For example, do not submit project 3 along with your project 4, do not slide projects under an office door, do not ask CIS office staff to place late work in your instructor's mailbox, etc.

If your work is late, you must discuss the situation with your instructor or GTF in advance.


There are no early or make-up exams. Please note the exam dates, given on the syllabus, and mark your calendar.