Learning Unix for Web Development


IT Curriculum Unix Workshop
From 1997, but still relevant.
UNIX Tutorial for Beginners
Very clear. From the University of Surrey.
UNIXhelp for Users
Another tutorial with lots of examples. The section on file access permissions and umask is excellent.
Web Developer's Virtual Library
A three-day workshop online. Day 1-2 contain many useful tips for 111 students.
geek-girl Unix Pages
Boldly go forth to the land of Unix.


Basic Unix Commands from UO Computing Center
A Unix survival kit.
Basic Unix Commands from Webteacher.com
Learn these plus pwd, cat, more, and chmod, for a basic survival kit.
Basic Unix Commands from the CIS Dept.
CIS help page.

Setting up Password Protected Web Pages

You can put your .html files in a password-protected directory on gladstone. Browser access to those pages will require an htaccess username and an htaccess password.

As you will read in the online documentation, you must connect to gladstone and create two files: htpasswd (in your home directory) and .htaccess (in the directory you wish to protect).

(For completeness, note that both files must be world-readable. That is, the files access mode must be, for example, 755 or 644. This usually happens automatically, unless you have modifed the Unix umask variable.)

For details, see the following web references:

Forwarding Your Email from Gladtone to your Primary Email Account

DuckWeb defines your "primary email account," which typically defaults to your gladstone account. You can use Duckweb to specify a different account to be your primary account. Or, you can just have your email forwarded from gladstone to whatever account you happen to be using. See the CC's forwarding your email.
