CIS 422, Spring 2004 ^

Project 1: Bicycle Theft Web Site

Client's initial proposal

This initial proposal is much better than most you will encounter in the so-called real world. It directly addresses the question of who all the stake-holders are, and how each will interact with the system. It does a pretty good job of focusing on key elements of functionality and important issues. It does not prescribe a lot of implementation and user interface details, as many proposals from clients do. It's a good starting point.

Still, it's a starting point, not a complete requirements statement. You'll need to rework it a bit to create your requirements statement. What questions do you need to ask the client? Are there others you want to talk to?


Michal Young / $Id: index.html,v 1.1 2004/03/29 02:22:59 michal Exp $