Assignment 6

Due 11pm Friday, August 10

For this assignment, you must draw a dog named whatever the user asks, and you must draw it wherever they click. And you must draw another when and where the user clicks again. Keep this up until there are 10 dogs on the screen. At that point, creating a new dog should also cause the oldest dog to be erased (the .undraw() method should be of help here).

In order to do this assignment, you should make a Dog class, and you should keep the 10 dogs on the screen in a list. Also, when the user clicks on the window you should get the text stored in the Entry box to name the dog. You don't have to make a stick figure dog, draw it however you want - get artistic! I have attached 3 screenshots from my implementation to try and help you out (click on one of them to view it full size), but if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask either below, by email, IM, or in class or office hours.

At the very beginning About to make the 8th dog, which I've chosen to name "eighth" After making the eleventh dog (named "eleventh"). Note that the first dog (named "first") has been undrawn.

Good luck!


Ask me if there are any questions, and remember that elegance counts!, or simply commenting below will all reach me immediately. Also recommended is coming in to office hours if you have any questions.

Turn It In

Turn your project in using the following form:

What is your student #?
What is your name?
What is your email?
What file would you like to submit?
If you have more than one file in your project, please use an archiving tool to put them all into one archive file. Acceptable archive types are .zip, .jar, .tar, and .tgz.

Please make sure that you provide any README files in plain text. MS Word .doc files are not acceptable. .html, .txt, .ps, .dvi, and .pdf are all acceptable. Really you should just be turning in ASCII text (.txt) files and source code. And for most assignments, just well documented source code.

Comments and Clarifications

The admin should touch /cs/classweb/07U/cis122/6/index.comment

Questions? Answers!
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