382 Project 5
Web/db Integration


  1. Project Requirements
  2. Project Resources & Readings
  3. Debugging JavaScripts
  4. Debugging ASPs
  5. Office Hour Help

Project Requirements

This project may be worked on by a VLT or solo; if worked on collaboratively, each team member must submit the project individually using Blackboard, in order to create a gradebook entry.

Complete the following exercises, in the order shown, by the project due-date:

  1. Information Architecture. Because you're using DW as a testing server, the IA for this project will be different..

    Local host:
    If you have not already done so, create a new folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\382-username, replacing "username" with your uoregon.edu user ID.

    Copy all your /382/ files and folders to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\382-username.

    In Dreamweaver, set up a new site named 382-username. Specify C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\382-username as the DW site's local folder. Follow these instructions to use the new DW site as a Testing Server.

    In Dreamweaver, drag-and-drop all the .html files you created for project 4 into from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\382-username/p4/ into the parent folder, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\382-username. When DW prompts, Update Links? select Yes.

    You will not have C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\382-username\p5\ folder for this project.

    Production Server, 382net.uoregon.edu: This host is your web server and application server for the final project. When your project is complete, install your site root folder on 382net.uoregon.edu in a folder named C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\382-username\.

  2. Product Guide: Master and Detail pages.

    Thumbnail images. The product master page (products.asp) and product detail page (product.asp) must display a product thumbnail image.

    Category headings. When the user clicks a category link (e.g., Surf) on your site's home page, the product guide should display "Surf Movies" as an H2 heading. See product-guide.html for instructions.

    1-Click icon. The detail page must display an Order with 1-Click image-link. Use Amazon's, find another on the web, or make your own.

  3. Search with 1 parameter: srch-master.asp and srch-detail.asp. Add a search text box to your site's home page that allows the user to search for a product. Return all partial matches by using SQL's LIKE operator in the query.

  4. Advanced Search. Add an Advanced Search link to theSearch Form on the home page. This link connects to adv-search-master.html.

    Advanced Search Master Page: adv-srch-master.asp.
    Advanced Search Detail Page: adv-srch-detail.asp .

    adv-search-master.html. Displays a form, with three radio buttons that allow the user to search by three categories. Example: search by title/medium/artist. The text box on the form will contain the search target. When submitted, the form data is passed to asp/adv-srch-master.asp using multiple URL parameters.

    In SQL, LIKE is a comparison operator for strings (i.e., fields of type Text). Here's an example recordset query, using two URL parameters, that will work for fields of type Text. So, if you make all three search categories map to a field of type Text in your database, this query will work for all three:

    SELECT *
    FROM Movie
    WHERE srchCategory LIKE '%srchTarget%'

    The URL parameters are used as the values of two recordset variables:

    srchTarget       Request.QueryString("srchTarget")
    srchCategory     Request.QueryString("srchCat")

    This example assumes your radio buttons have been named srchCat. That will be one of the parameters attached to the URL when the form is submitted.

    Read SQL Tips for DW Recordsets for further information.

  5. 1-click.asp. When the user clicks on the Order w/1-Click image link, an order summary page is generated, listing all item details, shipping address and method, and credit card info.

    This will require a recordset that uses a join, to retrieve information from the Customer and Products tables (and possibly others, depending on your database design) using the on the user's email address as a primary and foreign key. The user's email address can be set as a session cookie by sign-in.html.

  6. Install your site folder on the remote server, 382net.

    Although you should copy your project files to uoregon.edu as usual, for safe storage, ASPs are not executed by that server. Instead, we will use 382net.uoregon.edu as a remote server for the final project.

    When your project is complete, thoroughly tested and totally ready for grading, move your site folder to 382net.

    Once it's installed on the server, thoroughly test all ASPs and submit the project in Blackboard. By submitting the project in Blackboard, you are asserting the project is complete and ready for grading.

  7. Extra Credit Options. Do not spend any time on working on extra credit options until you have completed the project requirements. Extra credit is not awarded for projects that are not complete. Extra credit work is not required; there is no penalty to your grade for not doing extra credit.
    1. +7 MetaPoints. Early Delivery: 21:00 Friday 3/16.
    2. +3 MetaPoints. create-acct-thanks.asp. When inserting a new record into the Customer table (create-acct.asp), the next page should be a "thank for signing up" page. This page should display the newly entered record for the customer to verify and edit; in DW, this is called a Record Update page.
    3. +2 A Thumbnail, when clicked, opens a larger image.

    How to submit extra credit work for grading. When you submit your final project using Blackboard, i f you completed any extra credit options, please state that fact clearly in the Comments text area when submitting your project. For example, include a comment like this one:

    Extra Credit Completed: Options A and C.

Resources and Readings

DW Help > Using DW > Search for pages with these titles:

Debugging ASPs

  1. Changing Folder Permissions. Your ASPs must have write-permission for /382-username/db/, and the database itself should not be read-only. XP's Simple File Sharing must be turned off to see a Security tab on folder properties.
  2. Debugging Master/Detail pages
  3. Debugging the Record Insertion Form page (create-acct.asp)

Debugging JavaScript

  1. Get in the habit of regularly inserting calls to alert() and printing the values of variables, etc. This allows you to follow the execution of a script line by line.
  2. If a script is not working for any reason, check the JavaScript Console for error messages: In Firefox, select Tools -> JavaScript Console. Hit the Clear button in the console to clear old error messages, then reload your page to execute the script. (The evaluate bar at the top of the console allows you to type in arbitrary JavaScript code and have it evaluated immediately, without a script.)

Office Hour Help

Bring your site folder on a USB drive. An equally good alternative is to copy your site folder to uoregon.edu. When you come to office hours, the project folder can be downloaded quickly for debugging.