CIS 471/571
Fall 2008


Art Farley, 362 Deschutes Hall, 346-3414

Office Hours

H -- 11:00-12:00; F -- 10:00-12:00

Course Goals

CIS-471/571 offers an introduction to issues, representations and algorithms in the field of
artificial intelligence. The course is organized into units on intelligent agent architectures,
problem solving and planning, game playing, knowledge representation and reasoning,
and machine learning.

We will develop or extend programs in Java (or language of choice) to explore some of the
concepts covered in the course.


T: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition, by Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall, 2003.

Course Requirements

The work in the course will consist of

Topic Schedule

Week Topic Reading
Week 1 Unit I: AI and Symbolic Agents T:Chapters 1 , 2 & 26
Week 2 Unit II: Problem Solving: Constraint Satisfaction T: Chapters 3 & 5
Week 3 Unit II: Problem Solving: Paths and Plans T: Chapters 3 & 4 & 11
Weeks 4 & 5 Unit III: Game Playing T: Chapter 6
Week 6 Unit IV: Reasoning & Representation: Logical Approaches T: Chapters 7 , 8 & 9
Week 7 Unit IV: Reasoning & Representation: Ontologies and Uncertainty T: Chapter 10 & 13
Week 8 Unit V: Machine Learning:Trees and Rules T: Chapters 18 & 19
Week 9 Unit V: Machine Learning: Statistical Approaches T: Chapters 20.1-2 & 4-5
Week 10 Unit VI: AI: Nature-Inspired Methods GA , ACO and PSO
Finals Week Final Projects, 10:15 Monday, 8 December


Course Resources