CIS 122 Assignment 1

This assignment is an introduction to the python interpreter and submitting homework for the class. It isn't intended to teach you much about python, I just want to make sure we can all run a python program and submit it, so that when our next assignment is due (on Thursday!) we won't have to worry about any of that sort of stuff.


Here's my solution for this assignment. Note that as with all assignments, my version is not the only way to do it!

Posted Friday, June 27


For this assignment you will create a very simple python program that will print out your name, what kind of computer you own (if any) and something else about you.


This program doesn't require any input from the user.


The output of this program should look like this:

Hello World!
My name is Shad
I own a mac
I have two daughters: Sophie and Lillie
except that the information about me should be replaced with information about you.


Submit your python program via the submit form at the bottom of this page. Also bring a printout of your program to my office (Deschutes 235) any time before the due date.

This assignment is due Tuesday, June 24th at 5:00pm.

Use the submit form at the bottom of this page to turn in your work.


Use this form to submit your completed assignment. If you submit it once and then find a mistake and want to submit it again, you can. You can submit as many versions as you'd like and I'll generally only look at the last one.

What is your student #?
What is your name?
What is your email?
Notes about this assignment:
Use the notes field to mention if you worked in a group or got help with any part of the assignment. Also note if something doesn't work correctly, it shows that you know about the problem. If you don't mention it, I'll assume you didn't test your code, and thus will grade you more harshly.
What file would you like to submit?
This assignment only requires you to turn in one file. If you think you need to turn in more than one, let me know about it and we'll figure out why.

The only acceptable file type to turn in for this assignment is the source code to your program (your .py file).

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