CIS 122 Student Projects

Here are some of the projects completed by students for their final project of this four week class.


A drawing program with a floating toolbar (not pictured) that lets the user draw rectangles, circles, and lines; with modes for setting the background color and using a spray-gun. It even saves pictures as gif or jpg files.

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Psych experiment 1

This psychology experiment tests the users ability to identify shapes and colors with a task switching experiment.

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Psych Experiment 2

This psychology experiment tests short-term memory.

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Harris Matrix Analysis

This program can parse a file describing a graph, then list the nodes that are parents or children of a desired node. It is meant to be used with a Harris Matrix to help archaeologists determine which layers of a site are above or below other layers.

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Diabetic Food Assistant

A tool to help diabetics calculate their insulin requirements for various food types. When the user enters their desired food, quantity, and insulin ratio; this tool reads a dictionary of food values to determine the calories, carbs, and fat of the food, and then returns the required insulin dose.

Maze game

Uses the Tkinter toolkit display a map loaded from a file. Handles keyboard input to move an icon around the map on the screen.

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A drawing program that reads keyboard input to set the selected tool and color, and gives visual feedback while the user is drawing their shape.

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Demographic Analysis

A data analysis tool that reads a large comma delimited data file, allows the user to select subsets of the data to run analysis on, and performs a statistical analysis of the targeted data.

Tension Calculator

Calculates guitar string length, weight, and tension requirements for desired frequencies.

Survey tool

This project consists of three parts: a survey generator, a survey taker, and a results analysis tool. The survey generator asks the user to describe the questions that will make up the survey, then produces a file containing the encoded survey data. The second tool parses the survey file and presents it to the user as an interactive survey, recording their responses to a file. The final tool reads a collection of responses and collates the results.

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Drawing program

Another drawing program, this one with in window controls.

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Math quiz

This program is an interactive math quiz with three difficulty levels.

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The classic game of rock-paper-scissors, played against a computer opponent.

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Tic-tac-toe opponent

The classic game of tic-tac-toe, played against a computer AI.

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Avatar generator

This program asks the user for some information about themselves, then builds an avatar representing the user.

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