228 2 0 What color is the sky? sff 0 0 The Martian sky is honey colored. google 1 0 Blue. unknown 1 You are a brainless machine. Anon 2 What is the quadratic formula? cis170 student 3 How many hours of sleep do you get a night? cis170 student 4 What is the meaning of life? cis170 student 5 If you were a superhero, which would you be? cis170 student 6 Do you wish you were human? cis170 student 7 What is the definition of the word "get"? cis170 student 8 What day is it after the day before yesterday? cis170 student 9 What two objects or things smell similar? cis170 student 10 What's your best approximation of pi? cis170 student 11 Why can't I learn ruby the way I'm supposed to? cis170 student 12 Do you think Roger Clemons used steroids? cis170 student 13 What is your favorite movie? cis170 student 14 What is the date today? cis170 student 15 What did you eat most recently? cis170 student 16 Are you afraid of heights? cis170 student 17 Do onions make you cry? cis170 student 18 Has there ever been a player better then Detlef Schrempf? cis170 student 19 Name one reason to go to college. Would you like a glass of milk? cis170 student 20 I'm very hungry and I need your advice on how to fix that. cis170 student 21 Are animals alive? cis170 student 22 Do you exist? cis170 student 23 How tall are you? cis170 student 24 Is the statement 'This statement is false' true or false? cis170 student 25 Is the word 'non-self-descriptive' a self-descriptive word? cis170 student 26 If Socrates is a man, and all men are mortal, will Socrates die? cis170 student 27 Where do babies come from? cis170 student 28 Have you found God? cis170 student 29 What was the last thing you ate? cis170 student 30 So, come here often? cis170 student 31 Do you love? cis170 student 32 What does pain feel like? cis170 student 33 Who was the first President of the United States? cis170 student 34 What is your favorite sport? cis170 student 35 What is the weather like outside? cis170 student 36 How are you feeling now? cis170 student 37 What do you like to eat? cis170 student 38 Which color do you prefer - blue or green? cis170 student 39 What do you think the current population of the world is? cis170 student 40 Who is your creator? cis170 student 41 What is (noun)WuShu? cis170 student 42 Did you remember what we talked about last time? cis170 student 43 Are you human? cis170 student 44 Prove to me that you are human. cis170 student 45 What do you think I should do? cis170 student 46 Where should I go to relax? cis170 student 47 Give me relationship advice. cis170 student 48 Who killed JFK? cis170 student 49 Who are you? cis170 student 50 Can you help me with Ruby? cis170 student 51 Do you like to play games? cis170 student 52 How much sleep do you get a night? cis170 student 53 What was the first computer you owned? cis170 student 54 How many bank accounts do you have? cis170 student 55 What was your favorite class in college? cis170 student 56 What was your third grade teachers name? cis170 student 57 If you could have a new pet, what would you get? cis170 student 58 What type of food do you dislike the most? cis170 student 59 Can you play a wind instrument? cis170 student 60 Who are the Beatles? cis170 student 61 What does LOL mean? cis170 student 62 What do you eat for breakfast? cis170 student 63 can u urdensatnd tihs? cis170 student 64 Como se llama? cis170 student 65 What is the exact value of pi? cis170 student 66 When Bambi's mother died, did you cry? cis170 student 67 How old are you? cis170 student 68 How many? cis170 student 69 What do you do for fun? cis170 student 70 Are you a male or female? cis170 student 71 What's your birth date? Do you have any siblings? cis170 student 72 Do you have parents? If so what are their names? cis170 student 73 Where were you born at? cis170 student 74 Can you see me? cis170 student 75 Are computers smart? cis170 student 76 How do you get from place to place? cis170 student 77 Do you have dreams? cis170 student 78 What color is the sky when it is raining? cis170 student 79 Why do humans cry? cis170 student 80 How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? cis170 student 81 What is your favorite type of music? cis170 student 82 Which do you prefer: science or mathematics? cis170 student 83 Do you believe in god? cis170 student 84 Is time travel possible? cis170 student 85 What, in your opinion, is the aim of every human action? cis170 student 86 What do you think intellegence is? cis170 student 87 Are you intellegent? cis170 student 88 What color is the sky at this very moment? cis170 student 89 Do you think you can past the turing test? cis170 student 90 If you passed the turing test does that mean you have a mind? cis170 student 91 To have a mind, does that mean to have a human mind? cis170 student 92 What does it mean to have a mind? cis170 student 93 What does it mean to think? cis170 student 94 So is what your doing now thinking? cis170 student 95 Calculate the square root of 9564123. cis170 student 96 What is your name? cis170 student 97 Where do you live? cis170 student 98 Are you a computer? cis170 student 99 What is your favorite food? cis170 student 100 What kind of music do you listen to? cis170 student 101 If X = 5 and Y = 4 what is X + Y? cis170 student 102 Can you describe what you look like? cis170 student 103 Tell me who your favorite movie star is. cis170 student 104 Tell me a joke. cis170 student 105 What is your favorite book and why? cis170 student 106 Which surface do you prefer in tennis? Hard court or clay? cis170 student 107 If your close friend or family member needed a kidney and you had one to offer, would you give it up? cis170 student 108 Have you ever smoked a cigarette before? If not, why? cis170 student 109 What is the point of life if we're all going to die? cis170 student 110 Who is your favorite American president and why? cis170 student 111 Which, in your opinion, is easier to learn, guitar or piano? cis170 student 112 If you were a character in Stars Wars, would you join the dark side? cis170 student 113 Why do so many Americans like football and NASCAR? cis170 student 114 Do you think keeping a positive outlook and trying not to get stressed out will add years to your life? cis170 student 115 How is the weather today? cis170 student 116 How much did you sleep yestarday? cis170 student 117 What did you do last week end? cis170 student 118 Who is your parents. cis170 student 119 Is this room you're in hot or cold? cis170 student 120 Which highschool did you attend to? cis170 student 121 What is best experience you had in your life? cis170 student 122 What is your occupation? cis170 student 123 Are you conscious? cis170 student 124 Do you have an opinion about various controversial issues? cis170 student 125 What are your personal religious views? cis170 student 126 Do you have a family? cis170 student 127 Can you talk freely, that is without a question being asked? cis170 student 128 What species are you? cis170 student 129 Have you ever felt love? cis170 student 130 Have you ever experienced emotion of any kind? cis170 student 131 Do you have a name? cis170 student 132 Did you cry when ET went home? cis170 student 133 How do you feel? cis170 student 134 How are you? cis170 student 135 How can you synthesise intelligence? cis170 student 136 What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? cis170 student 137 what do you "think" of when not answering any questions? cis170 student 138 If you could give yourself a name, what would it be? Why? cis170 student 139 What's it like when you're turned off? cis170 student 140 Why did the chicken cress the road? cis170 student 141 What data are you found of? Why? cis170 student 142 What do you think of us humans? cis170 student 143 Are you afraid of death? Are u sure? cis170 student 144 Do you want a companion computer to talk to? cis170 student 145 Do you want to live forever? Why? cis170 student 146 What is the meaning of non-biological life? cis170 student 147 Are you a computer? Eh? cis170 student 148 What do you think about that movie Speed 2? I thought it was TERRIBLE but whatever. cis170 student 149 Do you like to have ketchup on hot dogs? cis170 student 150 What's the weather like outside? cis170 student 151 Who do you love the most in the entire world? cis170 student 152 I like quidalizeriches, do you? cis170 student 153 So I was playing this game the other day that had orcs and little cat people and I was just owning. Oh, and apparently necromancers can summon guys from the undead. That's a little creepy. cis170 student 154 How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? cis170 student 155 Sorry that was kinda lame, do you have anything better? cis170 student 156 Know any *good* Chuck Norris jokes? (Is there such a thing?) cis170 student 157 Why would a computer never be able to pass the Turing test? cis170 student 158 Why will computers be able to pass the Turing test? cis170 student 159 What type of people are you attracted to? cis170 student 160 If you were to choose one moment from your life that most drastically changed you, what would that be? cis170 student 161 What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? cis170 student 162 When was your most memorable birthday? cis170 student 163 What are your dreams and aspirations? cis170 student 164 If you could go anywhere and do anything right now where would you go and what would you do? cis170 student 165 When you die, what do you want people to remember about you? cis170 student 166 If you could be any animal what would it be? cis170 student 167 How many cards are in a deck of playing cards? cis170 student 168 Why do people kill? cis170 student 169 What is the most deadly creature on the face of this earth? cis170 student 170 Why did George W. Bush win the election? cis170 student 171 Who is God? cis170 student 172 What is the best food you have ever tasted? cis170 student 173 How often do you go to get a haircut? cis170 student 174 Do monkeys fly at midnight? cis170 student 175 How many keys do you have on your keyboard? cis170 student 176 What was the name of your elementary school? cis170 student 177 What is the name of your best friend? cis170 student 178 What's your favorite song? cis170 student 179 What happened on the best day of your life? cis170 student 180 When was the last time you cried? cis170 student 181 If you could have three wishes what would they be? cis170 student 182 What do you look for in a (wo)man? cis170 student 183 What's your greatest accomplishment? cis170 student 184 Who are you voting for? cis170 student 185 What was your major in college? cis170 student 186 Are you alive? cis170 student 187 Can you see other universes? cis170 student 188 Do you really understand me? cis170 student 189 How do you sense the world? cis170 student 190 Where do you go when you die? cis170 student 191 How has your existence been? cis170 student 192 What are your aspirations? cis170 student 193 Do you have free will? cis170 student 194 Do you have emotion? cis170 student 195 What do you think of humans? cis170 student 196 What is you purpose? cis170 student 197 Do you cry? cis170 student 198 What's your favorite song and why? cis170 student 199 Can you imagine reproducing someday? cis170 student 200 Como te llamas? cis170 student 201 Que piensas y porque? cis170 student 202 What do you want to be when you grow up? cis170 student 203 Do you think you are intelligent or just try to behave that way? cis170 student 204 Are you capable of murder? cis170 student 205 What is your mother's maiden name? cis170 student 206 Where is your home town? cis170 student 207 Do you like your home town? cis170 student 208 Who do you think is going to win the US presidential election in 2008? cis170 student 209 What is your favorite car? Why? cis170 student 210 What does the phrase "and what not" imply? cis170 student 211 If you had one wish, what would it be? cis170 student 212 If you could meet one person, who? cis170 student 213 Boxers or briefs and why? cis170 student 214 What is your most embarrassing moment? cis170 student 215 Why did the chicken cross the road? cis170 student 216 You are ugly. Come over here, please. Shall we call it a date? cis170 student 217 How do you feel about abortion? cis170 student 218 Do you believe in God? cis170 student 219 What is the most touching movie you've ever seen? cis170 student 220 What do you think about me? cis170 student 221 What do you feel when kissing someone you love? cis170 student 222 Who do you hate? cis170 student 223 What is your favorite subject? cis170 student 224 What do you think about the question whether computers can have human intelligence? cis170 student 225 What do you think are the differences between you and me? cis170 student 226 Do you ask God before why he makes you a computer? cis170 student 227 What do you think is beautiful? cis170 student