CIS 422/522 Project Planning

A. Hornof - January 9, 2009

This document provides guidance on how to plan and manage your projects in CIS 422/522 Software Methodologies, including an outline of what should be included in your initial "Project Plan / SRS / SDS" document. This document is in part based on materials developed by Prof. Michal Young.

Managing the Process:
Distributing the Work Within Your Team

You must assign responsibilities to team members. It is not a good strategy to simply share all responsibilities. Although all team members should contribute to some extent to every aspect of the project, and everyone should do at least some programming, it is essential to have one person with central responsibility for each major part of the task. Among the responsibilities to be assigned include:

The mapping of people to roles is not necessarily one-to-one. For example, it is common in small teams for the user documentation and user interface roles to be combined. You may wish to identify additional roles. You may also want to spell out responsibilities more clearly, e.g., shall the user documentation or technical documentation person be in charge of the final presentation?

The person with ultimate responsibility for one of these functions does not have to do the whole job alone. For example, the system architect does not design the whole system alone, and the product build manager does not do all the implementation; they are managers of different aspects of the project.

Risk control is an important part of project management. One of the largest risks to any software project is the loss of a key person. Therefore, while it is important that a single person be ultimately responsible for each role, it is a very good idea to assign a "backup" for each role also. The backup person assigns the main person responsible for a role, and should be knowledgeable enough about that role to take over responsibility if the primary person is lost or unable to fulfill his responsibility. The backup role is also an opportunity for "cross-training" in preparation to take a lead role in a later project.

The Mini Project Plan / SRS / SDS

The SRS is the Software Requirements Specification. The SDS is the Software Design Specification. The Mini Project Plan / SRS / SDS document is a small combination of elements that might appear in several different documents in a larger project: A proposal, a feasibility study, a project plan, a requirements statement, a specification and/or external design, and an architectural design overview. This document should convince management, a client, or an investor that this project is worth funding. The quality and content of the document will communicate the likelihood of success of the project if it were to be approved.

Your Mini Project Plan / SRS / SDS should include at least the following:

Project Management

The group should keep a record of meetings. This record should briefly note the agenda of the meeting, the date and time, who showed up (and who showed up on time), and what was accomplished during the meeting. Set ending times for meetings to help you get through the agenda items.

The group should also keep a record of each of the tasks that are assigned to each group member. This should be in the form of a spreadsheet or table with the following columns: The task, assigned to whom, when assigned, when due, when completed, who did it, who signed off on it.

Reuse Guidelines

The cheapest, most dependable and least risky software components are those you don't build. You can find test case management, automation frameworks, and other nifty things freely available on the web. I strongly suggest you take advantage of them. On the other hand, you must do so in a way that is legal and ethical, and while I won't set an upper bound on how much of your project code can be reused, you must certainly provide some "value added" and not merely repackage software available elsewhere.

You may not, however, consult with students or re-use code written for previous 422/522s.

To be legal, you must obey all copyright restrictions in software you use. Beware that a document or file need not contain an explicit copyright statement to be protected by copyright law; you have a right to copy or reuse something only if the author has specifically granted you that right. I am absolutely firm on this, and will not hesitate to fail an individual or a whole team for unethical conduct as regards intellectual property. If you have any questions about what you may or may not do, ask me.

Your product must be freely distributable under the Gnu copyleft agreement. In some cases this may mean that you cannot make use of some software which is otherwise perfect. In other cases it may mean that your product will depend on other software packages that you cannot directly distribute. (Be careful of such dependencies, especially on commercial software, as they can make your product more difficult to install and use.)

To be ethical, you must clearly document the original source of all software and other documents. Every source file must contain header comments clearly identifying its author(s). Derivative work (e.g., code written by you but adapted from a book) must clearly cite each source used in its creation. Falsely identifying yourself as the author of something that is someone else's work, or failing to properly cite a reference on which you based part of your work, is plagiarism and will be dealt with very severely.

It is entirely possible to follow these guidelines, making only legal and ethical use of other people's work, and still to avoid a lot of design and coding that would be required if you built this project "from scratch." Sometimes you will find that, even if you cannot directly reuse code (e.g., because it is written in a different programming language), you can still reuse design. You should properly cite the sources of reused design as well as reused code.

Approximate Schedule

Week 1

Before you are assigned your team, start working on the project on your own. Design work and brainstorms are usually more productive if group members first do some thinking on their own, without the inertia of groupthink to pull everyone down one or two paths. Work on the issues that will be in your product concept document due at the end of week 2. Browse the web looking for products (freeware, shareware, and commercial) that do something related to automated testing. What is the competition? Are there "market niches" for your product? Look also for useful components that you can reuse.

Week 2

You are going to need at least a couple of intense team meetings to agree on your product concept, in addition to more individual research. Think seriously about the feasibility issues: How is your team going to divide up the work and tackle the problems? Produce the product concept document and present it to the class on Friday.

Week 3

Delivery is less than two weeks away, and deadlines that looked easy before are starting to get scary. Don't panic. Do make a plan that includes early production of a running prototype (no matter how lame, it just needs to work) and frequent revisions. Make contingency plans for the failure of anything that isn't already running. You really, really want a running prototype so that you are ready to discuss any remaining problems.

Week 4

It's crunch time. You're on a daily build-and-smoke schedule now. You have an agreed meeting time each day for putting together everyone's pieces and testing the current system version. The build-master is sweating bullets, but she has it under control so that, if it all blows up on due date, the build from the previous day is still good to go. You schedule intense reviews of documents and outstanding design issues. On the due date you declare victory and turn in your project.

Week 5

There's still one more chore. You need to present and/or demonstrate your project in class. You will also participate in the class discussion. How did your approach to the project differ from that of other groups? Did you encounter some of the same problems? What seemed to work, and what didn't?