CIS 122
Alg. & Pgmg

Spring 2010


Gary Bricher








Check this page during the term for special announcements and corrections.

  • Welcome to CIS 122.  Read the syllabus and schedule pages.
  • Lab sections will start the first week of the term.
  • To upload your Projects for grading, in Blackboard click Course Documents then scroll all the way down and open the Projects folder.
  • If you have problems with the command prompt window disappearing after displaying output, you may add this line just before “return 0;”


            This will keep the window open until one presses a key. 

  • Gary Bricher’s office hours have changed due to scheduling problems.  Please see the syllabus for the new hours.
  • 04/08/10: In Project 1, there is a typo in the I/O spec for the tipCalc.cpp program.  In the results section, it should read

                   subtotal: $10

      Rather than $10.0.

  • 04/08/10: A hint for the helloPgm.cpp in Project 1 is to declare a variable as string type rather than character type.  To allow the string type, include the header line

                   #include <string>

Actually string is not a primitive data type but a class.  We will discuss classes in Ch. 10.

·       04/12/10: There is a new version of Project 2 now available.  The old one had some even numbered exercises the answers to which the publisher of the text has provided.  This would not be appropriate for an assignment.  Do not do the old version.  You will know if it is the new version because at the top is written Version 2.  Very sorry for the confusion.

·       04/13/10: There is a typo in Project 2.  In the I/O spec for Problem 2 triangleValid.cpp, the second test case shows the message “Can edges 2.5, 2, and 1 form a triangle? false.”  It should read “Can edges 2.5, 1, and 1 form a triangle? false” because the input for that test case was 2.5, 1, and 1.  The corrected version of Project 2 has Verstion 2.1 at the top.