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CIS 323 - Links

Winter 2010

Installing C++ in three easy steps:
  1. Download MinGW — (Only for Windows) Install MinGW basic tools, the G++ compiler and the MinGW make.
  2. Download Eclipse — I usually download the Java enterprise edition because it has a lot of stuff from the beginning.
  3. Eclipse CDT plugin — The plugin will enable you to use C++ within Eclipse. Use Eclipse's built-in software updater.

Development environments

You might encounter a problem with Eclipse on the department server. Please look at this website (thanks to Anna) for a solution:
Binary not found
You should look at the first comment (scroll down a bit) and not the primary solution.
After applying the flags in Eclipse, you should right-click your program and choose "clean project"



Useful informastion

Last updated: February 10, 2010 | David Lebech