CIS 422/522
Group Meeting Agendas

A. Hornof - April 11, 2019

This document summarizes what and how to prepare to discuss your projects in group meetings with the instructor. These are also good ideas of topics to discuss at group meetings without the instructor.

Please bring one or two stapled copies of your current SRS, SDS, and Project Plan to the meeting.

Every group member speak be able to speak knowledgeably on every aspect of the project, and on every project document and major software component. This means that, prior to the meeting, everyone in the group needs to study every project document and component.

It is important that everyone speaks at meetings. When meeting with the instructor, you can have a plan on who will discuss what topic, but please be prepared to deviate from that plan based on the instructor's requests during the meeting. For example, everyone should be able to provide the 5-minute project overview discussed below. It would be wise have a group meeting, prior to the meeting with the instructor, in which every group member takes a turn providing the 5-minute overview of the project.

The Agenda

1. A five-minute overview of project:
• project or system name
• team name and team members (first and last name)
• the problem being solved by the system
• how the system will solve that problem
• an overview of the software design (an architectural diagram would be useful)
• a list of the technologies being used
• an up-to-date project timeline (a summary timeline would be useful)
• an overview who is working on what
• what is done thus far
• what is being worked on now
• what if anything is preventing progress
Please keep this overview at a high-level. Please do not get into small details.
2. Each team member will report:
• What are your responsibilities on the project?
• What have you done in the last few days?
• What is your next task?
• What, if anything, is holding you up from accomplishing that task?

3. We will selectively discuss different aspects of the project in more depth, such as whether the requirements are adequately specified, what alternatives were considered for the system design, and whether the project plan provides a clear plan for success.