Do Color Models Really Make a Difference?

Sarah Douglas and Ted Kirkpatrick
Department of Computer Science
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403,


User interfaces for color selection are based upon an underlying color model. There is widespread belief, and some evidence, that color models produce significant differences in human performance. We performed a color- matching experiment using an interface with high levels of feedback. With this interface, we observed no differences in speed or accuracy between the RGB and HSV color models, but found that increasing feedback improved accuracy of matching. We suggest that feedback may be an important factor in usability of a color selection interface.


Color models, color selection, RGB, HSV, user interfaces.


With the proliferation of color displays, color selection has become a common task. Color selection can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common method today is a direct-manipulation color selection tool. Both the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows provide such tools as part of their system software. Color selection tools are typically organized around a color model: an organization of the range of displayable colors into a three-dimensional space. Many such color models have been proposed, each oriented towards a specific task. Table 1 lists several models, their intended usage, their axes, and citations to more detailed descriptions.

There is widespread belief that some models are more "natural" than others. For example, the standard reference work on computer graphics by Foley at al. [2] claims that:

The RGB, CMY, and YIQ models are hardware- oriented. By contrast, Smith's HSV (hue, saturation, value) model ... is user-oriented, being based on the intuitive appeal of the artist's tint, shade, and tone. (p. 590)

Later, the same text states:

There is a widespread belief that the HSV model is especially tractable, usually making it the model of choice. (p. 597)

One color model, TekHVC, has even been patented by Tektronix Corporation [9].

"Natural" and "intuitive" can be defined many ways. We could compare the effects of color models on user performance using any number of criteria. How quickly can an expert perform color selection? How accurately can an expert match? How much practice does it take to arrive at a specified level of proficiency, with proficiency defined in terms of time and accuracy? How well does a color model help a user select harmonious or functionally useful colors?

There is surprisingly little empirical data comparing color models. Schwarz, Cowan, and Beatty [6] performed the major experiment to date (referred to in the remainder of this paper as "the Schwarz study"). They compared five models and found many significant differences between them. In particular, they found the RGB model to be the fastest yet least accurate, while the HSV model was amongst the slowest and most accurate. The slower speed of the HSV model suggests it is not so "tractable" as commonly believed. This belief is so strongly rooted that the above quote from Foley immediately follows their description of the Schwarz results, yet the apparent contradiction is unremarked.

The arguments for or against a given color model are typically presented abstractly, without consideration of the interface which represents that model to the user. The model and the interface cannot be separated, because the factors affecting performance of a color model are complex and strongly affected by the interface: perception, screen representation, learning, and time vs. accuracy tradeoffs. The complexity of the issue and the perplexing nature of some of the Schwarz results make the area worth revisiting. We begin with a careful analysis of the empirical results to date.


There are only three published empirical studies exploring the influence of color models on the speed and accuracy of color selection. Berk, Brownston, and Kaufman [1] compared a color naming language of 627 distinct names versus specifying numerical coordinates in the RGB and HSV systems. They found that the naming system produced the most accurate results, with HSV coordinates next, and RGB coordinates worst of all. However, these results do not apply in the cases of interest to us, situations where the user can select from millions of potential colors rather than only 627.

Murch [5] summarizes a color-matching experiment comparing the number of steps subjects took to match colors using the RGB, HSL, and Swedish Natural Color System models. A mixture of experienced and inexperienced subjects was used. For inexperienced subjects the HSL system is reported to require the fewest steps. Unfortunately, no details of this experiment were ever published, so we can neither analyze his results nor attempt to replicate them.

As mentioned earlier, the Schwarz study is the current reference work for empirical data about color models. In this study, five different color models were compared: LAB, HSV, Opponent, YIQ, and RGB. Each color model was implemented with two input methods. The experimental design was five by two factorial, with color model and input method as the between-subjects variables.

While the experiment studied two methods of input, these were all limited in similar ways. In each case, the screen representation was identical. For each match, a "target" color was displayed in a rectangle on the screen and the subject used the interface to set the color of a second "controlled" rectangle to match the first one as closely as possible (Color Plate 1).

Color Plate 1: the screen representation for the Schwarz experiment

The interfaces differed in how the subject used a puck on a graphics tablet to control the three parameters of the color model. In one interface, called "3*1d", the each parameter was controlled by horizontal motion (Figure 1). Three puck buttons selected which parameter was being actively controlled. In the second method, called "2d + 1d", horizontal motion controlled one parameter and vertical motion another. Pressing a button made horizontal motion control the third parameter.

Figure 1: a "3*1d" input scheme. All parameters are controlled by horizontal puck movement, with three separate buttons selecting the active parameter. (Adapted from Fig. 6 of [6]).

A given subject used one color model / interface combination to match five colors six times. The authors analyzed the time required by the subjects to match, the accuracy of the final match, relationship of color model axes to accuracy in various perceptual attributes of the target, time to reach a given level of accuracy, and learning. Accuracy was measured in color distance units (cdus) of the LAB color space. The amount of data reported in their work is tremendous; the following two statistically significant results stand out:

  1. Subjects matched most quickly with the Opponent and RGB models (means of 77 and 78 seconds), with HSV twenty-two percent slower (mean of 94 seconds).
  2. Subjects matched most accurately with LAB, followed in decreasing order by HSV, Opponent, YIQ, and RGB. The best color model / interface pair, LAB with 2d+1d interface, had a mean accuracy of about 5 cdus, while RGB with a 2d+1d interface was ninety percent worse with a mean accuracy of about 9.5 cdus (these are geometric, not arithmetic, means).
While the experiment was done with due rigor, there were aspects of the experimental task which may have confounded the results. The experiment was done in 1985, at a time when interface design was in its infancy, and the interface used was rather primitive and not representative of contemporary systems. We wondered if the differences in performance they attributed to color models hold with modern interfaces. We located the following limitations in their interface:
  1. No visual feedback of the location of the current color in the color space

    In neither interface was the subject given any indication of the dimensions of each parameter of the space. Furthermore, they were given no indication of how close they were to the boundaries of each axis. The controlled color simply stopped changing without warning when the subject moved the puck outside the range of one of the coordinates. They refer to this process as "clipping". We conjecture the subjects may have been slower and less accurate because they had so little information available to orient themselves within the color space. This inadequate representation may even have affected some color models more than others, biasing the comparison of models.

  2. No kinesthetic or visual feedback from puck position

    The lack of visual representation was compounded by the use of relative coordinates for the puck. This meant there was no fixed mapping between the location of the puck on its tablet and the value of a given parameter, eliminating another means the subjects might have used to orient themselves in the space. For example, the puck location gave no indication of how close they were to being clipped. The subjects couldn't orient themselves by "feel" (the location of their arm) nor visually (by looking at the puck).

  3. No feedback of the effects of each parameter

    While the subjects were initially instructed in the effects of each parameter, they had no visible representation of what the parameters did. It is difficult to infer the effect of a parameter from simply moving the puck and observing the results, because the kind of change in the controlled color varies depending upon what color is currently displayed. For example, in the HSV model the saturation parameter will vary the amount of red if the controlled color has a red hue, but will increase the amount of blue if the controlled color is in that hue. Similar interactions between the parameters occur in the other color models.

The Schwarz interfaces are arguably not typical of the direct manipulation interfaces popular today. Ben Shneiderman's classic definition of direct manipulation [7] includes "continuous display of the object of interest" and "rapid, incremental, reversible operations whose impact on the object of interest is immediately visible." In other words, the user interface should provide rapid feedback of changes to the object of interest. In the case of color models the key question is "what is the object of interest?" While the Schwarz interface displays the current color, it does not display the color's location within the space of all displayable colors. We believe that the location of the current color is as important to the user as the color itselfÑ the real "object of interest" is not being displayed. Designers of current commercial systems have taken this into account: the Macintosh and Windows tools mentioned earlier both display the location of the current color.

In summary, the Schwarz study contradicts widely-held folklore about the superiority of the HSV color model. A question remains: Will these effects recur in an interface with higher feedback?


We designed an experiment comparing the performance of color models in the high-feedback interfaces in use today. We were also interested in how screen representation affects subjects' performance, and made interface feedback level a second controlled experimental factor.

Experimental Design

The experimental design was two-way factorial, with color models and interfaces as the two between-subject variables, for a total of four subject groups. We used two color models, RGB and HSV, and two interfaces with different kinds of feedback. Twelve subjects were in each group, randomly assigned to a particular color model x interface group. We selected the RGB and HSV models because they are commonly used in color selection tools, are frequently contrasted with one another in the graphics literature, and were two of the most extreme cases of the five used in the Schwarz study.

We were interested in how feedback in the interface affects the usage of color models; our experiment used two interfaces which had increasing levels of visual feedback. To address our first two concerns about representation of the color space, both of our interfaces displayed the location of the current color within the color model. Each of the three parameters of the model was represented by a slider, and an arrow indicated the current value of the associated parameter within its total range (see Color Plates 2 and 3). The user controlled the current color either by dragging the arrow along the slider with the mouse or by clicking directly on some row of the slider. Both of these methods were explicitly demonstrated to the user during the instructional phase.

Color Plate 2: the "position-only" interface

Color Plate 3: the "position+effect" interface

We wanted to see if the interface, and in particular the visual representation of the effects of each parameter, measurably affected users' performance with a color model. To compare the influence of such a representation, we used two different formats of sliders. One format, called "position-only" (Color Plate 2), gave no indication of what each parameter did: the interior of the sliders was a constant gray at all times. The second format, called "position+effect" (Color Plate 3), filled each slider with a range of colors. Each pixel row on the slider displayed the color that the controlled rectangle would take if the arrow were moved to that row. A user could look at the slider and know what effect it would have if it were moved to any point.


We believed that the differences between color models would be most apparent while users were learning them, so only subjects with little to no prior experience with color usage and selection were used in the study. All subjects were given a screening questionnaire about their experience working with colors in both traditional artistic media and computer programs.. The selected subjects were forty-eight unpaid undergraduates. Most were from the first year of the computer science program, while others were enrolled in computer literacy courses. Subjects were also screened with an Ishihara color plates test to ensure that they had normal color vision.

Experimental Environment

The experiments were conducted in a room with controlled lighting Due to memory limitations in the graphics card, the display was functioning at a lower than normal resolution, so subjects sat eight feet away from the screen so that individual pixels would be indistinguishable. The components of the interface were sized for comfortable viewing at that distance.

The experiment was run on an Apple Macintosh IIfx with an Apple 8.24GC accelerated graphics card capable of representing 16 million colors. A SuperMac PressView 21 display was used, set to a whitepoint of D65. This monitor is designed to be used in color-critical applications, has stable color rendition characteristics, and can be set for various calibrated white point and gamma values. We recalibrated the monitor using the SuperMatch calibration tool several times during the experiment to maintain the chromaticities of our target colors. All of our target colors were represented in the RGB space of the standard EBU phosphor chromaticities used in this monitor, and our RGB and HSV models used these phosphor chromaticities as the basis of their axes.

We selected thirty colors. Six of these were from the original Schwarz experiment. The remaining twenty-four were taken from the MacBeth ColorChecker chart [4], a standard reference chart for tests of color rendition. Twelve of these are representative of colors commonly found in natural and office environments (flesh tones, sky blue, and common office colors), six are the additive and subtractive color primaries, and the final six are an achromatic ramp from black to white.

Our data collection program logged the current slider positions and the value of the controlled color every tenth of a second. In particular, the final reading of each match indicated the total time and distance between the controlled and target colors.

Experimental Task

We used a color-matching task: subjects adjusted a controlled color until it matched a target color. Both controlled and target colors subtended just less than two degrees of visual arc of the subject's field of view, allowing us to calculate chromaticities using the 1931 CIE 2 degree standard observer functions [3]. Each subject used a single color model x interface combination to match the same sequence of thirty different colors. All interaction with the program was done using the standard Macintosh mouse to move three sliders on the screen.

The experimenter demonstrated how to manipulate the sliders using the mouse. To replicate a situation of use similar to what most users typically encounter, no abstract explanation of the color model was given to subjects. They were not explicitly told what the three parameters of their color model were, nor were the parameters named on the screen. In the instructions, subjects were asked to learn how the different sliders affected the color during the course of the experiment. We used Schwarz' wording to describe how closely the subjects should try to match the target color: "continue to refine the match until you think they are the same color or until it becomes extremely difficult to get the colors any closer to each other."

After the instruction period, subjects were given ten minutes to practice using the system. The experimenter was present for the first match and then left them alone for the remainder of their practice. The colors used during the practice time were different from those used in the actual experiment. After the practice period, the experimenter returned and started the sequence of thirty experimental colors. Subjects had three minutes to complete a single match. If they did not finish in three minutes, the match was ended by the program and the subjects moved on to the next color. Subjects performed this sequence alone and at their own pace. Times for this phase of the experiment ranged from twenty minutes to an hour and a half, with most subjects taking about forty-five minutes. A concluding questionnaire asked about the subjects' satisfaction and comfort with the experiment.


The average times and accuracies for the four experimental conditions are given in Table 2. With a significance level of p<=.05, analysis of variance revealed no significant differences in time or accuracy measured in LAB color distance units (cdus) between the models. The feedback factor (Table 3) had no significant effect on time, but did significantly affect accuracy (F1,44 = 6.76, p = .013). The mean distance from the target was 2.16 cdus (26%) lower when the subjects were given feedback about the effects of each slider. Note that since there was no significant difference in time between the two feedback conditions, subjects were matching more accurately in the same amount of time and not simply trading off speed for accuracy.


The color model is widely presumed to be fundamental to the usability of a color selection tool, yet even with two different interfaces we could find no significant difference in time or accuracy between the RGB and HSV color models. In fact, this is the second experiment we have run using this protocol. The earlier experiment had technical difficulties which prevented us from being able to use all of its data, but the twenty-four data points which are usable also show no significant difference between RGB and HSV. Finally, in a similar experiment, Wells [10] could find no difference in time or accuracy between these two color models. We are not aware of any measured differences between color models when their interfaces provide strong visual feedback.

The high variance of this population may have masked some effects of color model and feedback. With twenty-four subjects in each color model or feedback condition, we have a 95% chance, i.e., beta = .05, of detecting differences of 25 seconds or more between the mean times of the two color models. To accurately detect differences of, say, 10 seconds, would have required over 100 subjects in each condition--- far more than was practically possible Considering accuracy of final match, our experiment could detect differences of 3 cdus or more between the mean accuracies of the two color models. While our sample size may not be large enough to detect moderate differences in time and accuracy between the models, we feel it is sufficient to detect the kind of major differences which folklore ascribes to color model.

Comparing the conclusions of the Schwarz study and our own suggests which factors determine the influence of color model on a color matching task. We consider three factors: practice effects, levels of visual feedback of the interfaces, and user selection strategies.

Practice Effects

It takes time to learn a color model. Perhaps differences between color model would emerge after the subjects had more practice. Although in both Schwarz and our present study subjects completed thirty trials, the Schwarz study used the same five colors repeated six times. Our study used thirty different colors to more nearly represent the wide variety that users typically select. We observed that in all our conditions subjects had high variance, suggesting that they were still in early stages of learning. Reducing variance with more practice would perhaps create significant differences in our experiment. For example, RGB with high feedback, which has a mean nearly ten seconds less than the other conditions, might be significantly faster (see Table 2).

Visual Feedback

Our study had significant visual feedback, whereas the Schwarz study had little. This suggests that the Schwarz results may apply only to very low-feedback interfaces. Our data show that feedback does affect performance in a color- matching task, improving accuracy of the match. The data suggest that it makes very little difference which color model is presented to the user for color selection, provided the location of the current color within the color space is represented . Users may adapt to whichever model they are given and the model doesn't make a difference.

Selection Strategy

If they are not using the conceptual map provided by the color model, how did our users orient themselves in the color space? They may have adopted a simpler strategy which was independent of the color model. For example, they might have used the following hill-climbing strategy: "Move in a direction. If you are closer to your target, continue moving. If you are further away from the target, backtrack and pick another direction."

To discover user strategies we must look at the paths individual users took through the color space from the initial gray towards the target color. A color model is supposed to help a user predict which adjustments to the sliders will take the controlled color closer to the target. We sought a measure of how directed a subject's activity was. We define a move to be a single adjustment to a slider, from the time the mouse button was pressed inside the slider to the time the button was released. We characterize a move by its final color, the value of the controlled color at the time the button was released.

If a user has learned a color model and is actively using it to plan a path towards the target color, most of the moves will end with the controlled color closer to the target. We used the notion of moves to quantify how much backtracking the subjects did. If most of the subjects' moves took them closer to the target, it provides evidence that they are actively using the color model.

We broke every trial down into its constituent moves and computed the distance of the ending color from the target. Table 4 lists the percentage of total moves which ended with the subject closer to the target.

The subjects only moved closer to their target on a little more than half of their moves. This admittedly crude measure suggests that the subjects were not using the color model to predict where their moves were going but instead adopted some sort of simple hill-climbing strategy. This hypothesis is also supported by the significant improvement in accuracy for the "position+effect" interface, which allows the subject to predict the effect of the next move by looking at the screen display rather than reasoning based upon the color model. The subjects were more accurate when they could better predict their next move.

Color Selection in Actual Practice

How applicable are our results to actual conditions of color selection? In the field, users typically perform a color selection task, picking a "suitable" or "harmonious" color for an image, rather than the color matching task of our experiment. We chose a color matching task for two reasons. First, it is a procedure with a long history in color science, allowing us to use a well-established experimental protocol. Second, the task gives us well-defined objective measures of performance, consistently applied for all subjects. By contrast, an experimental task of selecting "suitable" colors would introduce many uncontrolled variables, confounding our factors of color model and feedback.

Our research explores the precise effects of these two factors and their interactions. While color selection is different from color matching, the tasks both involve navigation through a color space, and we believe that the role of color model and feedback in navigation are comparable in both tasks. Once controlled experiments have clarified the relationships between color model and feedback, more qualitative field studies can be used to examine their effects in actual contexts of use.


This experiment explored the relationship between the color model and the interface which presented it to the user. We considered the effect of differing levels of feedback in the user interface. We performed a color-matching experiment with two interfaces with differing feedback levels: one interface that visually represented the user's current location and a second which supplemented that location information with an indication of the function of each color model parameter. With these interfaces we could not find a significant difference between the accuracy and speed of the RGB and HSV models, but found that higher levels of feedback resulted in more accurate matches. We recommend that designers of color selection interfaces pay careful attention to the amount and kind of feedback they provide--- it may be as important as the color model.

Future Work

We would like to extend the work by looking in greater detail at the paths taken by the various users and determine whether they were using the color model or not. The approach of counting the proportion of moves closer to the target can be refined. We would like to see if the details of the traces are follow a pattern of systematic use of the axes of the color models or instead have the quasi-random character of a hill-climbing approach. As a further extension, we would like to run a longitudinal experiment to reduce the variance over a longer period of time and see what learning effects occur as the subjects become more practiced.


The research work reported here was started by Don Hubbard and greatly assisted by Professor Gary Meyer. Bonnie John and Eckehard Doerry provided many useful comments on drafts of this paper.


  1. Berk, T., Brownston L. and Kaufman, A. A human factors study of color notation systems for computer graphics. Communications of the ACM 25, 8 (Aug. 1982), 547-550.
  2. Foley, J., van Dam, A., Feiner, S. and Hughes, J. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 2nd. ed. Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.
  3. Hunt, R. W. G. Measuring Color, 2d. ed. Ellis Horwood, 1991.
  4. Macbeth. ColorChecker chart (1990 ed.). Munsell Color, Baltimore, MD, 1990.
  5. Murch, G. The effective use of color: cognitive principles. TEKniques 8, 2 (1984), 25-31.
  6. Schwarz, M., Cowan, W. and Beatty, J. An experimental comparison of RGB, YIQ, LAB, HSV, and opponent color models. ACM Transactions on Graphics 6, 2 (April 1987) 123-158.
  7. Shneiderman, B. Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages. IEEE Computer 16, 8 (Aug. 1983) 57-69.
  8. Smith, A. R. Color Gamut Transform Pairs. Computer Graphics 12, 3 (Aug. 1978), 12Ð19.
  9. Tektronix, Inc. U. S. Patent number 4,985,853.
  10. Wells, E. A Comparison of Interactive Color Specification Systems for Human-Computer Interfaces. M.S. Thesis in Visualization Sciences, Texas A and M University, 1994.