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Timer Interface

A timer interface allows the user to bracket parts of his/her code to specify a region of interest. The Timer class interface supports the start and stop methods. A timer object has a unique name and a signature associated with it. There are several ways to identify timers and performance tools have used different techniques. To identify a timer, one approach advocates the use of numeric identifiers and an associated table mapping the identifiers to names. While it is easy to specify and pass the timer identifier among routines, it has its drawbacks. Maintaining a table statically might work for languages such as Fortran 90 and C, but it extends poorly to C++, where a template may be instantiated with different parameters. This aspect of compile time polymorphism makes it difficult to disambiguate between different instantiations of the same code. Also, it can introduce instrumentation errors in maintaining the table that maps the identifiers to names. This is true for large projects that involve several application modules and developers.

Our interface uses a dynamic naming scheme where timer names are associated with the timer object at runtime. A timer can have a unique name and a signature that can be obtained using runtime type information of objects in C++. Several logically related timers can be grouped together using an optional profile group. A profile group is specified using a name when a timer is created. TAU implements a generic Timer interface and introduces an optimization that allows it to keep track of only those timers that are invoked at least once. It maintains both exclusive and inclusive measurement values for each timer. Timers can be nested, but may not overlap (i.e., start and stop calls from one timer should not overlap those from another). When timers overlap, TAU detects this overlap at runtime and warns the user about this error in instrumentation.

It is important to note that this interface is independent of the nature of measurements that can be performed by the performance tool. For instance, TAU may be configured to record exclusive and inclusive wallclock time for each timer for each thread of execution. Other measurement options that are currently supported include profiling with process virtual time or counts obtained from hardware performance counters. TAU also provides the option of making multiple measurements using a combination of wallclock time and/or hardware performance metrics in the same performance evaluation experiment. Thus, the timer interface is independent of the underlying measurements and is a vehicle for the user to specify interesting code regions that merit observation.

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Sameer Shende 2004-02-16