Appearing in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 4, July 1995, pp. 12-14.

Visualization Blackboard

Editors: Lloyd Treinish and Deborah Silver

Visualizing Parallel Programs and Performance

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony
University of Oregon

Performance visualization uses graphical display techniques to analyze performance data and improve understanding of complex performance phenomena. Current parallel performance visualizations are predominantly two-dimensional. A primary goal of our work is to develop new methods for rapidly prototyping multidimensional performance visualizations. By applying the tools of scientific visualization, we can prototype these next-generation displays for performance visualization -- if not implement them as end-user tools -- using existing software products and graphical techniques that physicists, oceanographers, and meteorologists have used for several years.

Characterizing performance visualization
Visualization of parallel performance offers programmers insights that might otherwise go unobserved. For example, it can reveal changes in the way a program performs its computation that are subtle in themselves but substantial in their effect on performance. Visualization is not a panacea to the issues facing parallel programmers, though. Just as in scientific visualization, where a display that is useful in aerodynamics research may be inappropriate to the analysis of ocean currents, the "usefulness" of a visualization in performance visualization is relative to the particular performance problem under consideration.

To complicate matters more, performance visualization lacks a concrete, physical model on which to base displays. Rather, performance data represents abstract relationships between virtual objects such as data elements, processors, and computing system components. The absence of an obvious physical model can lead to more abstract representations. At the same time, it affords additional flexibility in visualization design.

Before implementing a tool, developers typically decide the set of performance visualizations they hope will be useful to the most people. Determining the effectiveness of visualizations is difficult enough, but this problem is compounded by most tools having little or no facility for creating application-specific displays. While both theory and practice strongly suggest the need for a wide range of application-specific visualizations to augment a general-purpose set, to date this need has been difficult to fulfill because of the considerable overhead in creating, evaluating, and modifying performance visualizations. Clearly, a development technology that requires little overhead and programming, while simultaneously offering more sophisticated graphical capabilities, would help developers generate application-specific displays quickly, as well as create and evaluate general-purpose visualizations.

General data-visualization software, such as IBM's Visualization Data Explorer (DX), offers a robust platform from which we have prototyped several new parallel program and performance visualizations. This new development process takes advantage of several capabilities of the visualization software, including self-describing data models, a variety of graphical techniques, robust display interaction and manipulation, and customized visualization control.

Processor utilization
Processor utilization is a common metric used to evaluate parallel program performance. Information about how a program uses the processors of a parallel machine often provides insights into task decomposition and data distribution.

The ParaGraph tool [1] uses a display called a Kiviat diagram to portray processor utilization. The traditional form of this 2D display starts with several spokes extending from a common center point. A spoke corresponds to a single member of an object set over which a time-dependent scalar parameter has been measured. As time passes, the lengths of these spokes change as the parameter value changes. As it has been applied in ParaGraph, a spoke represents a processor in a parallel computer, and the measured quantity is the percentage of time the processor spends in the "compute" state during the previous time interval. The longer the spoke is, the greater the processor utilization; and in a parallel computation, greater processor utilization generally means better performance. Connecting the ends of adjacent spokes produces triangular regions. With a large number of spokes at maximum length (that is, processors at maximum utilization), the Kiviat diagram approximates a circle. In this manner, the shape of the Kiviat diagram is also a good indicator of load balance among processors.

Conceptually, a Kiviat diagram is easily represented within a visualization data model, such as the one DX supports. Similarly, the DX program that renders and animates the display is very simple. Thus, we can rapidly create a fully animated Kiviat diagram prototype. Figure 1 shows a single frame of an animated visualization for 64 processors (denoted by color).

The traditional 2D Kiviat diagram represents processors as spokes arranged in a circle. Spoke color indicates the processor's ID, and length represents its utilization.

Unfortunately, we do not gain anything over traditional performance visualization tools by creating simple Kiviat diagrams in DX. In fact, this approach incurs quite a bit of additional overhead. One of our primary goals in using a visualization system is to take advantage of more sophisticated graphical abilities.

So the next step is to see how we can extend or enhance a visualization like the Kiviat diagram. One potential problem with the standard Kiviat animation is that the viewer sees only one step at a time and can easily lose track of how the performance at that step compares to the performance during other parts of the animation. By removing the animation of the display, letting time run along the third axis, and rendering a "shell" around the individual slices, we can form Kiviat "tube," as shown in Figure 2.

A 3D Kiviat tube gives the analyst a global view of the performance data, but at the same time obscures detailed information about certain processors or time steps.

Such a representation of the original Kiviat diagram is potentially useful because it gives the viewer a global perspective of the performance data. For certain performance problems (for example, identifying periods of poor utilization across all processors), such a view can be very helpful. However, this 3D representation tends to obscure more detailed information about individual processors at specific times -- information that the standard 2D Kiviat display shows more clearly.

It is possible that individually, neither of the Kiviat displays generated thus far (Figures 1 and 2) totally fulfills the viewer's needs. Combining the two displays might. Thus, the idea for an enhanced display is to let the 2D Kiviat "slice" slide through a partially transparent Kiviat tube. The slice highlights the interprocessor relationships for a given time step while the rest of the tube continues to reveal how a particular step relates to the rest of the data.

The new visualization design combines several sophisticated graphical techniques (for example, composition and transparency). Programming the visualization from scratch using a graphics library poses a complicated task for the performance tool developer. However, having previously created the two individual display components, we can combine them effortlessly using DX. It took literally just a few minutes to create the composite visualization in Figure 3.

This visualization combines the Kiviat displays in Figures 1 and 2, thus using advanced graphical techniques, but requiring minimal effort to create.

Scalable visualization
Scalability is another key consideration in evaluating parallel programs. Programmers are typically concerned about how the number of processors or the problem size affects performance. For example, we hope that doubling the number of processors doubles performance for a fixed problem size.

The data-parallel programming model is a well-accepted approach to developing scalable parallel programs. However, to achieve scalable performance, users must address how the data distribution across processors affects the load balance of the computation and the overhead of processor interactions. Hence, the data-parallel programming and execution models often provide a rich semantic context for program and performance analysis tools. Visualizations can effectively complement these tools if the problem of display scalability can be overcome.

Our research has also focused on identifying and demonstrating methods for achieving visual scalability [2]. Some of these methods are new to performance visualization, while others are conceptual extensions to the work of other researchers. In either case, our integration of these methods with sophisticated graphics represents an advance in parallel performance visualization.

One common approach to achieving visual scalability is reduction and filtering. Traditional reduction methods perform statistical operations at the raw data level, such as computing the sum, mean, standard deviation, or frequency distribution. Filtering often excludes certain data values (for example, outliers), while reduction may cluster logical groups of values into a single value. Using reduction and filtering, we can present a smaller data set containing some essential, summarized, or less detailed information in place of the original data. We have extended this notion to include graphical reduction -- operations that help reduce the complexity of a visualization at the level of graphical representation (as opposed to raw data).

One operation we use in this capacity is the isosurface. As the 3D analog of 2D contour lines, isosurfaces represent surfaces of constant value (isovalue) within a volume. We instrumented a data-parallel array computation and collected counts of local and remote data element accesses. (Accesses are classified relative to the processor that owns the data element accessed. A remote access often implies an expensive interprocessor communication, which can impact performance.) By arranging the block-distributed data elements in a cubic volume, we can use isosurfaces to explore the performance data. Each data element has an associated number of local and remote accesses made to it during the last time interval. Isosurfaces reveal regions of data experiencing similar levels of each access type. Animating the visualization effectively reveals the evolution of data access patterns during the program's execution, thus identifying regions and periods of more intense accesses. Figure 4 contains two time steps from a 4x4x4 (64-element) cube showing remote accesses. Figure 5 shows local accesses within a scaled-up, 16x16x16 (4,096-element) structure.

Isosurfaces at two time steps are used to explore the regions and frequency of remote accesses to a distributed data structure.

Isosurfaces reveal a regular pattern of local accesses even after scaling the problem size by a factor of 64.

These displays achieve scalability by filtering and reducing the displayed data. Isosurfaces perform an effective graphical reduction because several isovalues can be used (each figure contains five) to create multiple surfaces that span the range of the performance metric and represent all elements of the structure, yet do not cause uninformative visual complexity.

Performance visualization faces many challenges. We have touched on just a few issues here. The Kiviat tubes illustrate how the lack of a physical model can cause performance visualizations to take on rather abstract appearances. There is also the challenge of finding new ways to apply traditional scientific visualization techniques to performance visualization problems. For instance, while isosurfaces are often used to analyze real-world, volumetric data (e.g., wind velocities in a thunderstorm), we rarely talk about "volumes" of parallel performance data. Yet, we have demonstrated one way that isosurfaces can be used to explore how data element distribution impacts performance. These visualization techniques also assist us in addressing other problems like visual scalability.

For more information on this research, see Heath, Malony, and Rover [3] and visit our Web site at URL:

This work was supported by IBM Research and Development contract MHVU3704 from the IBM Highly Parallel Supercomputing Systems Laboratory, grant ASC9213500 from the National Science Foundation Advanced Scientific Computing Program, and ARPA Rome Labs contract AF-30602-92-C-0135.

1. M. Heath and J. Etheridge, "Visualizing the Performance of Parallel Programs," IEEE Software, Vol. 8, No. 5, Sept. 1991, pp. 29-39.

2. S. Hackstadt and A. Malony, "Scalable Performance Visualization for Data-Parallel Programs." Proc. Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 1994, pp. 342-349.

3. M. Heath, A. Malony, and D. Rover, "The Visual Display of Parallel Performance Data," to be published in Computer, special issue Parallel and Distributed Technology Tools, Nov. 1995.

Last modified: Tue Dec 7 09:35:50 PST 1999
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