NSF ACM Sigplan MicroSoft

Summer School
Software Security: Theory to Practice

June 2004
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon



Everyday life depends upon the security and reliablilty of computers and system software. As more and more of our economy, defense, government and social life moves online, software security will only become more important. The main aim of the school was to offer a spectrum of current research in security of software systems ranging from foundational materials on security principles, logic and type systems to advanced techniques for ensuring mobile code security using program analyses, proof-carrying code and program monitoring tools. In additon, we examined how these technologies can be applied in practical systems. Much of the material was relevant to already existing mobile-code technology, including Microsoft's .NET framework and the Java platform.

At all times, material was presented at a tutorial level that will help graduate students and researchers from academia or industry understand the critical issues and open problems confronting the field. The course was open to anyone interested. Prerequisites were an elementary knowledge of logic and mathematics that is usually covered in undergraduate classes on discrete mathematics and some knowledge of programming languages at the level provided by an undergraduate survey course. Our primary target group was PhD students. We also experienced attendance by faculty members who wanted to conduct research on this topic or introduce new courses at their universites.


NSF ACM Sigplan MicroSoft
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