
The program consists of a series of 32 lectures including foundational theory, advanced techiniques and practical applications. The sessions are non-overlapping, so participants will have the opportunity to attend all lectures. Each lecture is 80 minutes, including time for questions. The lectures start at 9:00 am and go until 5:00 pm with a 2 hour break for lunch.

preliminary schedule

Morning Afternoon
Session 1 Session 2 Session 1 Session 2
WED 7/12 Grossman Sewell Harper Flanagan
THR 7/13 Flanagan Leiserson Sewell Harper
FRI 7/14 Harper Flanagan Leiserson Sewell
SAT 7/15 Leiserson Leiserson    
MON 7/17 Leiserson Dwarkadas Flatt Grossman
TUE 7/18 Flatt Grossman Dwarkadas Q & A
WED 7/19 Flatt Dwarkadas Foster Hicks
THR 7/20 Foster Qadeer Hicks Q & A
FRI 7/21 Qadeer Hicks Qadeer  

Dan Grossman Atomicity: Synchronization via Explicit Software Transactions
Peter Sewell Type-Safe and Version-Safe Distributed Programming
Robert Harper Language-Based Techniques for Distributed Systems
Cormac Flanagan Static Analysis for Concurrency
Charles Leiserson, Bradley Kuszmaul Language Design for Concurrency
Sandhya Dwarkadas Architectural Support for Concurrency
Matthew Flatt Design and Implementation of Concurrent Systems
Jeff Foster Concurrency in Practice for C
Michael Hicks Making Concurrent Software Safer
Shaz Qadeer Software Model Checking


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