Part II. ParaProf - User's Manual
TAU User Guide
Part II. ParaProf - User's Manual
Table of Contents
7. Introduction
7.1. Using ParaProf from the command line
7.2. Supported Formats
7.3. Command line options
8. Views and Sub-Views
8.1. To Create a (Sub-)Views
9. Profile Data Management
9.1. ParaProf Manager Window
9.2. Loading Profiles
9.3. Database Interaction
9.4. Creating Derived Metrics
9.5. Main Data Window
10. 3-D Visualization
10.1. Triangle Mesh Plot
10.2. 3-D Bar Plot
10.3. 3-D Scatter Plot
10.4. 3-D Topology Plot
10.5. 3-D Commication Matrix
11. Thread Based Displays
11.1. Thread Bar Graph
11.2. Thread Statistics Text Window
11.3. Thread Statistics Table
11.4. Call Graph Window
11.5. Thread Call Path Relations Window
11.6. User Event Statistics Window
11.7. User Event Thread Bar Chart
12. Function Based Displays
12.1. Function Bar Graph
12.2. Function Histogram
13. Phase Based Displays
13.1. Using Phase Based Displays
14. Comparative Analysis
14.1. Using Comparitive Analysis
15. Miscellaneous Displays
15.1. User Event Bar Graph
15.2. Ledgers
15.2.1. Function Ledger
15.2.2. Group Ledger
15.2.3. User Event Ledger
15.3. Selective Instrumentation File Generator
16. Preferences
16.1. Preferences Window
16.2. Default Colors
16.3. Color Map