9.3. Command line options

In addition to specifying the profile format, the user can also specify the following options

  • --fixnames - Use the fixnames option for gprof. When C and Fortran code are mixed, the C routines have to be mapped to either .function or function_. Strip the leading period or trailing underscore, if it is there.

  • --pack <file> - Rather than load the data and launch the GUI, pack the data into the specified file.

  • --dump - Rather than load the data and launch the GUI, dump the data to TAU Profiles. This can be used to convert supported formats to TAU Profiles.

  • --oss - Outputs profile data in OSS Style. Example:

    Thread: n,c,t 0,0,0
     excl.secs  excl.%   cum.%    PAPI_TOT_CYC     PAPI_FP_OPS     calls  function
         0.005   56.0%   56.0%        13475345         4194518         1  foo
         0.003   40.1%   96.1%         9682185         4205367         1  bar
             0    3.6%   99.7%          223173           17445         1  baz
       2.2E-05    0.3%  100.0%           14663             206         1  main

  • --summary - Output only summary information for OSS style output.