11.2. TAUdb C Structures

The C structures are roughly organized as a tree, with a trial object at the root.

  • taudb_trial: A top-level structure which contains the collections of all the performance data dimensions.

  • taudb_primary_metadata: Name/value pairs which describe the properties of the trial.

  • taudb_secondary_metadata: Name/value pairs which describe the properties of the trial. Unlike primary_metadata values, secondary_metadata objects can have complex value types. They are also associated with a measurement context - a thread of execution, a timer, a timestamp, an iteration, etc.

  • taudb_thread: A structure which represents a thread of execution in the parallel measurement.

  • taudb_time_range: A structure which holds a time-range value of beginning and ending iteration numbers or timestamps.

  • taudb_metric: A structure which represents a unit of measurement, such as TIME, FP_OPS, L1_DCM, etc.

  • taudb_timer: A structure which represents a region of code. For example, a phase, a function, a loop, a basic block, or even a line of code.

  • taudb_timer_parameter: A structure which represents parameter values, when parameter based profiling is used.

  • taudb_timer_group: A structure which represents a semantic grouping of timers, such as "I/O", "MPI", "OpenMP", etc.

  • taudb_timer_callpath: A structure which represents a node in the dynamic callpath tree. Timer_callpaths with a null parent are either top level timers, or a timers in a flat profile.

  • taudb_timer_call_data: A structure which represents a tuple between a thread of execution and a node on the timer callpath tree.

  • taudb_timer_value: A structure which represents a tuple between a timer_call_data object and a metric. The timer_value contains the measurement of one metric for one timer on one thread of execution.

  • taudb_counter: A structure which represents a counter in the profile. For example, the number of bytes transferred on an MPI_Send() timer.

  • taudb_counter_value: A structure which represents a counter measurement on one thread of execution.

Below are the object definitions, from the TAUdb C header file.


#include "time.h"
#include "uthash.h"
#include "taudb_structs.h"

#if defined __TAUDB_POSTGRESQL__
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#elif defined __TAUDB_SQLITE__
#include "sqlite3.h"

#ifndef boolean
#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int boolean;

typedef struct taudb_prepared_statement {
 char* name;
 UT_hash_handle hh; /* hash index for hashing by name */

/* forward declarations to ease objects that need to know about 
 * each other and have doubly-linked relationships */

struct taudb_timer_call_data;
struct taudb_timer_value;
struct taudb_timer_callpath;
struct taudb_timer_group;
struct taudb_timer_parameter;
struct taudb_timer;
struct taudb_counter_value;
struct taudb_counter;
struct taudb_primary_metadata;
struct taudb_secondary_metadata;
struct taudb_time_range;
struct taudb_thread;
struct taudb_metric;
struct taudb_trial;
struct perfdmf_experiment;
struct perfdmf_application;

typedef struct taudb_configuration {
  char* jdbc_db_type;    /* to identify DBMS vendor. 
                          * postgresql, mysql, h2, derby, etc. */
  char* db_hostname;     /* server host name */
  char* db_portnum;      /* server port number */
  char* db_dbname;       /* the database name at the server */
  char* db_schemaprefix; /* the schema prefix. This is appended to 
                          * all table names for some DBMSs */
  char* db_username;     /* the database username */
  char* db_password;     /* the database password for username */
  char* db_schemafile;   /* full or relative path to the schema file, 
                          * used for configuration, not used in C API */

typedef enum taudb_database_schema_version {

typedef struct taudb_data_source {
 int id;
 char* name;
 UT_hash_handle hh1; /* hash index for hashing by id */
 UT_hash_handle hh2; /* hash index for hashing by name */

typedef struct taudb_connection {
  TAUDB_CONFIGURATION *configuration;
#if defined __TAUDB_POSTGRESQL__
  PGconn *connection;
  PGresult *res;
#elif defined __TAUDB_SQLITE__
  sqlite3 *connection;
  sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt;
  int rc; 
  TAUDB_SCHEMA_VERSION schema_version;
  boolean inTransaction;
  boolean inPortal;
  TAUDB_DATA_SOURCE* data_sources_by_id;
  TAUDB_DATA_SOURCE* data_sources_by_name;

/* these are the derived thread indexes. */

#define TAUDB_TOTAL -2
#define TAUDB_MIN -4
#define TAUDB_MAX -5

/* trials are the top level structure */

typedef struct taudb_trial {
 /* actual data from the database */
 int id;
 char* name;
 struct taudb_data_source* data_source;
 int node_count;             /* i.e. number of processes. */
 int contexts_per_node;      /* rarely used, usually 1. */
 int threads_per_context;    /* max number of threads per process 
                              * (can be less on individual processes) */
 int total_threads;          /* total number of threads */
 /* arrays of data for this trial */
 struct taudb_metric* metrics_by_id;
 struct taudb_metric* metrics_by_name;
 struct taudb_thread* threads;
 struct taudb_time_range* time_ranges;
 struct taudb_timer* timers_by_id;
 struct taudb_timer* timers_by_name;
 struct taudb_timer_group* timer_groups;
 struct taudb_timer_callpath* timer_callpaths_by_id;
 struct taudb_timer_callpath* timer_callpaths_by_name;
 struct taudb_timer_call_data* timer_call_data_by_id;
 struct taudb_timer_call_data* timer_call_data_by_key;
 struct taudb_counter* counters_by_id;
 struct taudb_counter* counters_by_name;
 struct taudb_counter_value* counter_values;
 struct taudb_primary_metadata* primary_metadata;
 struct taudb_secondary_metadata* secondary_metadata;
 struct taudb_secondary_metadata* secondary_metadata_by_key;

/* data dimensions */

/* thread represents one physical & logical 
 * location for a measurement. */

typedef struct taudb_thread {
 int id; /* database id, also key to hash */
 struct taudb_trial* trial;
 int node_rank;    /* which process does this thread belong to? */
 int context_rank; /* which context? USUALLY 0 */
 int thread_rank;  /* what is this thread's rank in the process */
 int index;        /* what is this threads OVERALL index? 
                    * ranges from 0 to trial.thread_count-1 */
 struct taudb_secondary_metadata* secondary_metadata;
 UT_hash_handle hh;

/* metrics are things like TIME, PAPI counters, and derived metrics. */

typedef struct taudb_metric {
 int id; /* database value, also key to hash */
 char* name; /* key to hash hh2 */
 boolean derived;  /* was this metric measured, or created by a 
                    * post-processing tool? */
 UT_hash_handle hh1; /* hash index for hashing by id */
 UT_hash_handle hh2; /* hash index for hashing by name */

/* Time ranges are ways to delimit the profile data within time ranges.
   They are also useful for secondary metadata which is associated with
   a specific call to a function. */

typedef struct taudb_time_range {
 int id; /* database value, also key to hash */
 int iteration_start;
 int iteration_end;
 uint64_t time_start;
 uint64_t time_end;  /* was this metric measured, 
                      * or created by a post-processing tool? */
 UT_hash_handle hh;

/* timers are interval timers, capturing some interval value.  
 * For callpath or phase profiles, the parent refers to the calling 
 * function or phase.  Timers can also be sample locations, or 
 * phases (dynamic or static), or sample aggregations (intermediate) */

typedef struct taudb_timer {
 int id; /* database value, also key to hash */
 struct taudb_trial* trial;  /* pointer back to trial - NOTE: Necessary? */
 char* name;  /* the full timer name, can have file, line, etc. */
 char* short_name;  /* just the function name, for example */
 char* source_file;  /* what source file does this function live in? */
 int line_number;  /* what line does the timer start on? */
 int line_number_end;  /* what line does the timer end on? */
 int column_number;  /* what column number does the timer start on? */
 int column_number_end;  /* what column number does the timer end on? */
 struct taudb_timer_group* groups; /* hash of groups, 
                                    * using group hash handle hh2 */
 struct taudb_timer_parameter* parameters; /* array of parameters */
 UT_hash_handle trial_hash_by_id;  /* hash key for id lookup */
 UT_hash_handle trial_hash_by_name;  /* hash key for name lookup 
                                      * in temporary hash */
 UT_hash_handle group_hash_by_name;  /* hash key for name lookup 
                                      * in timer group */

/* timer related structures  */

/* timer groups are the groups such as tau_default,
   mpi, openmp, tau_phase, tau_callpath, tau_param, etc. 
   this mapping table allows for nxn mappings between timers
   and groups */

typedef struct taudb_timer_group {
 char* name;
 struct taudb_timer* timers;   /* hash of timers, 
                                * using timer hash handle hh3 */
 UT_hash_handle trial_hash_by_name;  // hash handle for trial
 UT_hash_handle timer_hash_by_name;  // hash handle for timers

/* timer parameters are parameter based profile values. 
   an example is foo (x,y) where x=4 and y=10. in that example,
   timer would be the index of the timer with the
   name 'foo (x,y) <x>=<4> <y>=<10>'. this table would have two
   entries, one for the x value and one for the y value.
   The parameter can also be a phase / iteration index.

typedef struct taudb_timer_parameter {
 char* name;
 char* value;
 UT_hash_handle hh;

/* callpath objects contain the merged dynamic callgraph tree seen
 * during execution */

typedef struct taudb_timer_callpath {
 int id; /* link back to database, and hash key */
 struct taudb_timer* timer; /* which timer is this? */
 struct taudb_timer_callpath *parent; /* callgraph parent */
 char* name; /* a string which has the aggregated callpath. */
 UT_hash_handle hh1; /* hash key for hash by id */
 UT_hash_handle hh2; /* hash key for name (a => b => c...) lookup */

/* timer_call_data objects are observations of a node of the callgraph
   for one of the threads. */

typedef struct taudb_call_data_key {
 struct taudb_timer_callpath *timer_callpath; /* link back to database */
 struct taudb_thread *thread; /* link back to database, roundabout way */
 char* timestamp; /* timestamp in case we are in a snapshot or something */

typedef struct taudb_timer_call_data {
 int id; /* link back to database */
 TAUDB_TIMER_CALL_DATA_KEY key; /* hash table key */
 int calls;  /* number of times this timer was seen */
 int subroutines;  /* number of timers this timer calls */
 struct taudb_timer_value* timer_values;
 UT_hash_handle hh1;
 UT_hash_handle hh2;

/* finally, timer_values are specific measurements during one of the
   observations of the node of the callgraph on a thread. */

typedef struct taudb_timer_value {
 struct taudb_metric* metric;   /* which metric is this? */
 double inclusive;              /* the inclusive value of this metric */
 double exclusive;              /* the exclusive value of this metric */
 double inclusive_percentage;   /* the inclusive percentage of 
                                 * total time of the application */
 double exclusive_percentage;   /* the exclusive percentage of 
                                 * total time of the application */
 double sum_exclusive_squared;  /* how much variance did we see 
                                 * every time we measured this timer? */
 char *key; /* hash table key - metric name */
 UT_hash_handle hh;

/* counter related structures  */

/* counters measure some counted value. An example would be MPI message size
 * for an MPI_Send.  */

typedef struct taudb_counter {
 int id; /* database reference */
 struct taudb_trial* trial;
 char* name;
 UT_hash_handle hh1; /* hash key for hashing by id */
 UT_hash_handle hh2; /* hash key for hashing by name */

/* counters are atomic counters, not just interval timers */

typedef struct taudb_counter_value_key {
 struct taudb_counter* counter; /* the counter we are measuring */
 struct taudb_thread* thread;   /* where this measurement is */
 struct taudb_timer_callpath* context; /* the calling context (can be null) */
 char* timestamp; /* timestamp in case we are in a snapshot or something */

typedef struct taudb_counter_value {
 int sample_count;          /* how many times did we see take this count? */
 double maximum_value;      /* what was the max value we saw? */
 double minimum_value;      /* what was the min value we saw? */
 double mean_value;         /* what was the average value we saw? */
 double standard_deviation; /* how much variance was there? */
 UT_hash_handle hh1; /* hash key for hashing by key */

/* metadata related structures  */

/* primary metadata is metadata that is not nested, does not
   contain unique data for each thread. */

typedef struct taudb_primary_metadata {
 char* name;
 char* value;
 UT_hash_handle hh; /* uses the name as the key */

/* primary metadata is metadata that could be nested, could
   contain unique data for each thread, and could be an array. */

typedef struct taudb_secondary_metadata_key {
 struct taudb_timer_callpath *timer_callpath; /* link back to database */
 struct taudb_thread *thread; /* link back to database, roundabout way */
 struct taudb_secondary_metadata* parent; /* self-referencing */
 struct taudb_time_range* time_range;
 char* name;

typedef struct taudb_secondary_metadata {
 char* id; /* link back to database */
 int num_values; /* can have arrays of data */
 char** value;
 int child_count;
 struct taudb_secondary_metadata* children; /* self-referencing  */
 UT_hash_handle hh; /* uses the id as a compound key */
 UT_hash_handle hh2; /* uses the key as a compound key */

/* these are for supporting the older schema */

typedef struct perfdmf_experiment {
 int id;
 char* name;
 struct taudb_primary_metadata* primary_metadata;

typedef struct perfdmf_application {
 int id;
 char* name;
 struct taudb_primary_metadata* primary_metadata;

#endif /* TAUDB_STRUCTS_H */