1.2. Installing TAU Compiler

The TAU compiler comes standard with the TAU distribution, but requires that the Program Database Toolkit (PDT) be installed. TAU relies on the parsers provided by PDT to automatically insert TAU instrumentation into fuctions. Please see "Installing The Program Database Toolkit" for information on how to install PDT. The rest of this section will provide simple installation instructions for installing TAU to profile source code. Please see "Installing The Tuning and Analysis Utilities" for more information on the specific options available for a TAU installation.

Download and extract TAU from the TAU pages at The University of Oregon. In the extracted TAU directory, issue the command:

% ./configure -c++=<compiler> -cc=<compiler> \
  -fortran=<compiler> -pdt=<pdtdir> -mpi \
  -mpiinc=<dir> -mpilib=<dir> -PROFILE

This configures TAU to instrument MPI programs C++, C and Fortran programs, using PDT for automatic instrumentation. If you would like to see what other options are available, you can issue:

./configure -help

to get a complete listing of the configuration flags.

Configure will give you feedback on its progress. After the configuration is complete, you will want to add the directory indicated by TAU to your path; that is where the TAU Compiler will be located. Now you can enter:

% make install

to install TAU into the local directory.