Using TAU with charm++

(tested with 5.4 release 1)

Note that when TAU is built with charm++, only charm++ programs can use the resulting library. Additionally, no TAU calls can be made before the ConverseInit call.

When using TAU_COMPILER with charm++, the following change must be made to charm/src/conv-core/converse.h :

static __inline__ unsigned long long int rdtsc(void)
        unsigned long long int x;
#ifdef CMK_IA64
	__asm__ __volatile__("mov %0=ar.itc" : "=r"(x) :: "memory");
        __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x));
        return x;
Must be changed to :
static __inline__ unsigned long long int rdtsc(void)
        unsigned long long int x;
#ifndef TAU_CHARM
#ifdef CMK_IA64
	__asm__ __volatile__("mov %0=ar.itc" : "=r"(x) :: "memory");
        __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x));
        return x;
This is due to the EDG front-end parse not parsing the __asm__ directive properly.

Using TAU with NAMD

For NAMD version 2.6 and above see: Building TAU with NAMD

this website should have the most up to date information on how to build NAMD with TAU.

For NAMD version 2.5 use these instructions:

Example: To build TAU for NAMD 2.5 (with automatic instrumentation) :
  1. Download and install PDT
      tar xzf pdt_latest.tar.gz
      cd pdtoolkit-3.3.1
      ./configure ; make ; make install 
  2. Download and install TAU
      tar xzf tau_latest.tar.gz
      cd tau-2.14.3
      ./configure -pdt=<path to pdt> -charm=<path to charm>
    Note that TAU can be configure to use various options (-TRACE, -PROFILECALLPATH, etc) with -PROFILE as the default.
  3. Apply the TAU NAMD 2.5 patch
    cd NAMD_2.5_Source
    patch < path/to/tau/examples/charm/namd-2.5.patch
    Alternatively see the manual patching instructions below.
  4. Make the following changes to arch/Linux-i686-g++.arch (or your .arch file): For example :
    include /home/amorris/tau2/include/Makefile
    NAMD_ARCH = Linux-i686
    CHARMARCH = net-linux
    CXX = $(TAU_COMPILER) -optTauSelectFile=/home/amorris/select.tau g++ -DSOCKLEN_T=socklen_t -DNO_STRSTREAM_H
    CXXOPTS = -O3 -march=pentiumpro -ffast-math -static
    CC = $(TAU_COMPILER) -optTauSelectFile=/home/amorris/select.tau gcc
    COPTS = -O3 -march=pentiumpro -ffast-math -static
  5. We recommend that you set the environment variables PROFILEDIR and TRACEDIR
    export PROFILEDIR=/tmp
    export TRACEDIR=/tmp
  6. After execution, you should file profile.X.X.X files in your $PROFILEDIR, view these wwith pprof or paraprof

Manual patching instructions

  1. Make the above change to converse.h
  2. Create the selective instrumentation file. We have had success using the following select.tau file :
    void Sequencer::thread#
    void Controller::thread#
    int NAMD_read_int#
    void PDBDATA::scan#
    Real PDBAtom::zcoor#
    Real PDBAtom::ycoor#
    Real PDBAtom::xcoor#
    Bool Molocule::is_hydrogen#
  3. Make the following changes to Makefile :

    Add $(TAU_COMPILER) to the link phase, as shown

    namd2:	$(INCDIR) $(DSTDIR) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
    	$(TAU_COMPILER) $(CHARMC) -verbose -ld++-option \
    	-module NeighborLB -module commlib -language charm++ \
    	$(BUILDINFO).o \
    	$(OBJS) \
    	$(DPMTALIB) \
    	$(DPMELIB) \
    	$(TCLLIB) \
    	$(FFTLIB) \
    	$(PLUGINLIB) \
    	-lm -o namd2
  4. Make the following changes to BackEnd.C
  5. Make the following changes to mainfunc.C
  6. Change Controller.C as follows:
  7. Change Sequencer.C as follows: