Setting of GUI Parameters

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Setting of GUI Parameters

The user can set certain parameters related to Drawing Canvas window. All parameters are integers. The syntax is:
const <param-name> = <param-value>;
The list of parameter values and their significance is given below.
  1. max_color: maximum number of colors to be used for display purposes. Default value is 8. The absolute maximum allowed currently is 16.
  2. color_collapsed: color to be used to display collapsed node. Default is 2 (green).
  3. color_error: color to be used to highlight error. Default is 1 (red).
  4. color_normal: color to be used for regular nodes. Default is 0 (blue).
  5. scatter_plot_x_sep: separation between rectangles within a scatter plot. Default is 2.
  6. scatter_plot_y_sep: vertical separation between rectangles within a scatter plot. Default value is 2.
  7. scatter_plot_max_x_dim: Maximum number of pixels alloted along the x-axis to draw one scatter plot. Default is 128.
  8. scatter_plot_max_y_dim: Maximum number of pixels alloted along the y-axis to draw one scatter plot. Default is 128.
  9. line_plot_x_sep: Number of pixels between two points on a line plot.
  10. ctg_stat_x_sep: Number of pixels between two bars in category statistics.
  11. ctg_stat_width: Width of each bar in category statistics.
  12. ctg_stat_height: Width of each bar in category statistics.

Joydip Kundu