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Colloquium Details

20:20 Foresight or the vexed problem of Scenario-based Requirements Validation

Author:Alistiar Sutcliffe Centre for HCI Design, Department of Computation, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, UK
Date:April 20, 2000
Location:220 Deschutes


This talk will review of some of the research on the European Union CREWS (Co-operative Requirements Engineering with Scenarios) project which developed methods and tools for scenario based requirements validation. The advantage of scenarios is that they provide grounded examples which help users to decide whether a requirements specification meets with their needs, the downside is deciding how many scenarios you need to make sure all the future usage contexts have been covered. Acquiring or generating a necessary and sufficient set of scenarios presents the 20-20 foresight problem. I will review approaches we took on the CREWS project to semi-automatic generation scenarios and then review current research on genetic programming for scenario generation.