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Colloquium Details

Recent Advances in Open Information Extraction

Author:Mausam University of Washington
Date:February 07, 2013
Location:220 Deschutes


Open Information Extraction is an attractive paradigm for extracting large amounts of relational facts from natural language text in a domain-independent manner. In this talk I describe our recent progress using this model, including our latest open extractors, ReVerb and OLLIE, which substantially improve on the previous state of the art. I will end with our ongoing work that uses open extractions for various end tasks, including multi-document summarization and unsupervised event extraction.


Dr. Mausam is a Research Assistant Professor at the Turing Center in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Washington, Seattle. His research interests span various sub-fields of artificial intelligence, including sequential decision making under uncertainty, large scale natural language processing, and AI applications to crowd-sourcing. Mausam obtained a PhD from University of Washington in 2007 and a Bachelor of Technology from IIT Delhi in 2001.