Assignment 5 - due before class on Wednesday, March 10 (NOTE ONLY 1.5 weeks)

Tasks you will need to do before starting:

Resources you will need:

Problem 1

See if you can replace IMPROVEDSAFETY on page 170 with fluent and assert. You can find the original code in the homework folder.

Turn-in: Turn in lts.

Problem 2

Do exercise 8.3 in back of chapter 8 (an extension of exercise 8.2).

The FIFO part of this problem is tricky. One idea is to define a QUEUE process and then use that in a safety property that unifies the QUEUE with the gas station. In essence, the property defines how things operate in a queue and then you make sure they work that way in gas station. Here is some code that starts down this approach:

There are several important notes about this problem:

Turn-in: lts code.