ICSE 2009: ICSE09
slide show picture of Vancouver
31st International
Conference on
31st International Conference on Software Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, May 16-24, 2009.   Sign up for announcements!

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Information for
Potential Conference

Software Requirements and Design:
A Tribute to Michael Jackson

Date: Tuesday 19 May 2009

This event celebrates Michael Jackson's seminal contributions to software engineering, and recognizes his influence on several generations of researchers.

The program features talks by these friends and colleagues, followed by a response from Michael and a reception.

John Cameron
Anthony Hall
Tony Hoare
Daniel Jackson
Cliff Jones
Axel van Lamsweerde
Bashar Nuseibeh
Pamela Zave

Participants will receive a copy of a new book published in honor of this event, with reprints of Michael's papers and many new contributions by the speakers.

Tentative Program

Welcome, JSP and JSD
9:00‑9:15 Bashar Nuseibeh and Pamela Zave: Welcome
9:15‑9:45 Tony Hoare: Personal Reminiscences
9:45‑10:00 Daniel Jackson: A Report on JSP by Tony Hoare
10:00‑10:30 John Cameron: Engineering and Business Software

Coffee Break

Worlds and Machines
11:00‑11:30 Axel van Lamsweerde: From Worlds to Machines
11:30‑12:00 Anthony Hall: The Quest for Correctness by Construction
12:00‑12:30 Pamela Zave: Modularity in Distributed Feature Composition


Current Work
14:00‑14:30 Cliff Jones: From Problem Frames to HJJ (and its Known Unknowns)
14:30‑15:00 Bashar Nuseibeh: Abuse Frames: Inferring Security Requirements from Anti-Requirements
15:00‑15:30 Daniel Jackson: A Notation for Design Rationale

Coffee Break

Response and Discussion
16:00‑17:00 Michael Jackson Responds
17:00‑17:30 Discussion



Bashar Nuseibeh
Pamela Zave

The Tribute will be open: attendees can sign-up on the registration page when it becomes available.

Sixth International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories(MSR 2009)

Software repositories such as source control systems, archived communications between project personnel, and defect tracking systems are used to help manage the progress of software projects. Software practitioners and researchers are recognizing the benefits of mining this information to support the maintenance of software systems, improve software design/reuse, and empirically validate novel ideas and techniques. Research is now proceeding to uncover the ways in which mining these repositories can help to understand software development, to support predictions about software development, and to exploit this knowledge concretely in planning future development.

The goal of this two-day working conference is to strengthen the community of researchers and practitioners who are working to recover and use the data stored in software repositories to further understanding of software development practices. We expect the presentations and discussions at MSR 2009 in Vancouver to continue on a number of general themes and challenges from the previous MSRs held at ICSE since 2004. For more information about MSR and the MSR Challenge, see the MSR 2009 website. Contact any of the organizers for more information about the MSR 2009 conference.


Katsuro Inoue, Osaka University, Japan (General Chair)
Michael W. Godfrey, University of Waterloo, Canada (Program Co-chair)
Jim Whitehead, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA (Program Co-chair)
Christian Bird, University of California, Davis, USA (Challenge Co-chair)

17th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension

Program comprehension is a vital blend of software engineering activities that supports reuse, inspection, maintenance, evolution, migration, reverse engineering, and reengineering of existing software systems. The International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) is the principal venue for works in the area of program comprehension as well as a leading venue for works in the areas of software analysis, reverse engineering, software evolution, and software visualization.

ICPC 2009 will be co-located with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’09) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. As a city of approximately 2 million people, Vancouver offers a wide variety of cultural attractions including the Vancouver Aquarium, Gastown, Granville Island, and Science World, while providing access to recreational activities like biking, sea kayaking, scuba diving, and hiking.

ICPC 2009 promises to provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present and to discuss state-of-the-art and best-practice results in the field of program comprehension. For more information visit http://icpc.csi.muohio.edu/.


Gerald C. Gannod, Miami University, USA (General Chair)
Rainer Koschke, Universität Bremen, Germany (Program Co-chair)
Andrian Marcus, Wayne State University, USA (Program Co-chair)

ICSP 2009 - International Conference on Software Process

Software development takes place in a dynamic context of frequently changing technologies and limited resources. Globally distributed development teams are under ever-increasing pressure to deliver their products more quickly and with higher levels of quality. At the same time, global competition is forcing software development organizations to cut costs by rationalizing processes, outsourcing part or all of their activities, reusing existing software in new or modified applications, and evolving existing systems to meet new needs. To address these difficulties, new or modified processes are emerging, including lean and agile methods and plan-based product line development. For ICSP 2009, systems engineering processes addressing the specific challenges of developing trustworthy software are of particular interest.

ICSP 2009 invites papers describing completed research or advanced work-in-progress in all areas of software and systems development process including: agile software processes, CMMI, novel techniques for software process representation and analysis, process tools and metrics, and the simulation and modeling of software processes. As in previous years, ICSP 2009 will organize a special track for papers on software and systems process simulation. Contributions reflecting industrial experience are particularly welcome. For further information regarding paper submission and ICSP 2009 in general, please visit our website.


Dietmar Pfahl, Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo, Norway (General Chair)
Ray Madachy,University of Southern California, USA (Program Co-chair)
Qing Wang, Institute of Software - Chinese Academy of Science, China (Program Co-chair)
Vahid Garousi, University of Calgary, Canada (Publicity Chair)

PROMISE '09: 1st International Conference on Predictor Models in Software Engineering

The PROMISE conference leverages the successful experience from the four previous workshops. The objective of the conference is to deliver to the software engineering community useful, usable, verifiable, and repeatable models applicable to better manage software processes and projects.

To this end, we:

  • Maintain an on-line repository where researchers and practitioners can store the data they use to make their conclusions, access models and data used by other researchers and practitioners, and compare their results to those obtained in previous work.
  • Hold an annual conference where researchers and practitioners can meet to discuss and refine their results and methods, and to describe repeatable experiments in software engineering
Traditionally, PROMISE meetings have focused on effort and defect prediction. More recently, there has been a focus on other issues such as model-based requirements engineering and value-based software engineering. For the 2009 meeting, we encourage papers that extend the idea of PROMISE to many more fields of software engineering. For further information, please visit http://promisedata.org.


Gary Boetticher, U. of Houston - Clear Lake (General Chair)
Tim Menzies , West Virginia U., US (Steering Committee)
Tom Ostrand , AT&T (Steering Committee)
Guenther Ruhe , University of Calgary, Canada (Steering Committee)