BGPInspector: A Real-time Extensible Border Gateway Protocol Monitoring Framework
Mingwei Zhang
Committee: Jun Li (chair), Reza Rejaie, Hank Childs
Directed Research Project(Nov 2014)
Keywords: BGP monitoring, system architecture, real-time system, anomaly detection

The Internet often experiences disruptions that affect its overall performance. Disruptive events include global-scale incidents such as large-scale power outages, undersea cable cuts, or Internet worms. They also include IP-prefix level anomalies such as prefix hijacking or route leak events. All such events could cause the Internet to deviate from its normal state of operation. It is therefore important to monitor and detect the abnormal events, and do so from both granularities. Current solutions mostly focus on detecting certain types of events or anomalies and ignoring the others. There is not yet a generic framework that can perform different monitoring tasks under one system. In this report, we present our work on improving the two monitors, I-seismograph and Buddyguard, and introduce our new extensible Internet monitoring framework that ties them together. Each component of the framework works independently, allowing our system to perform multiple monitoring tasks at the same time and to integrate new components without disrupting the currently active ones.