1.2. Installation

The PerfDMF utilities and applications are installed as part of the standard TAU release. Shell scripts are installed in the TAU bin directory to configure and run the utilities. It is assumed that the user has installed TAU and run TAU's configure and 'make install'.

  1. Create a database. This step will depend on the user's chosen database.

    • PostgreSQL:

      $ createdb -O perfdmf perfdmf

      Or, from psql

      psql=# create database perfdmf with owner = perfdmf;

    • MySQL: From the MySQL prompt

      mysql> create database perfdmf;

    • Oracle: It is recommended that you create a tablespace for perfdmf:

      create tablespace perfdmf 
      datafile '/path/to/somewhere' size 500m reuse;

      Then, create a user that has this tablespace as default:

      create user amorris identified by db;
      grant create session to amorris;
      grant create table to amorris;
      grant create sequence to amorris;
      grant create trigger to amorris;
      alter user amorris quota unlimited on perfdmf;
      alter user amorris default tablespace perfdmf;

      PerfDMF is set up to use the Oracle Thin Java driver. You will have to obtain this jar file for your database. In our case, it was ojdbc14.jar

  2. Configure PerfDMF. To configure PerfDMF, run the perfdmf_configure from the TAU bin directory.

    The configuration program will prompt the user for several values. The default values will work for most users. When configuration is complete, it will connect to the database and test the configuration. If the configuration is valid and the schema is not found (as will be the case on initial configuration), the schema will be uploaded. Be sure to specify the correct schema for your database.