1.3. Installing TAU

Download the latest version of TAU from the TAU home. Place the distribution In the directory that you want to install TAU. Type

%> tar -xvzf tau_latest.tar.gz
%> cd tau2

We will be installing TAU once again assuming that we are using the IBM compilers (xlf, xlc and xlC), and an MPICH installation. Note where your MPICH installation resides, and configure TAU by entering (replacing the MPICH specifics with those in your local system.

%> ./configure -c++=xlC -cc=xlc -fortran=ibm \
  -mpiinc=/opt/osshpc/mpich-1.2.5/32/ch_shmem/include \
  -mpilib=/opt/osshpc/mpich-1.2.5/32/ch_shmem/lib \

Add the TAU directory to your path and install.

%> export PATH=$PATH:/home/users/hoge/tau2/ppc64/bin
%> make install

TAU is installed, and you're ready to start profiling your code.