uocis  CIS 415 Operating Systems - Spring 2003

Discussion: Week 5


PART I: Deadlock Avoidance

Consider a system with three resources r1, r2 and r3. This particular system has 2 of r1, 3 of r2 and only 1 of r3. Four processes with the following maximum requests and current allocations are running on the system:

Current Allocation Maximum Requests Still Needs
r1r2r3 r1r2r3 r1r2r3

Determine which resources are still available and fill in the Still Needs matrix.
What state (safe/unsafe/deadlocked) would the system be in if it were to immediately grant these resource requests?

  1. P3 requests 1×r3
  2. P1 requests 1×r3
  3. P4 requests 1×r2

PART II: Memory Management

Here is a representation of the memory contents of a system with 24K of main memory:

A: 5K (3K free) B: 3K (4K free) C: 4K (4K free) D

Assume process D has the most recent allocation.

  1. Draw the final state of the system if the following sequence of requests is made under:
    1. dynamic partitioning first-fit
    2. dynamic partitioning next-fit
    3. dynamic partitioning best-fit
    4. simple paging with 1 frame = 1K using a first-fit placement algorithm

    E requests 3K
    F requests 3K
    A completes and is released
    B completes and is released
    G requests 3K
    H requests 5K

  2. Under a dynamic partitioning system with the allocations given for problem 1:
    1. What are the base and bounds registers for processes A, B, C and D?
    2. Translate the following logical addresses into physical addresses and check for validity:
      1. Process A, address 85Ah (0000100001011010)
      2. Process B, address BFFh (0000101111111111)
      3. Process D, address 400h (0000010000000000)
      4. Process C, address FFFFh (1111111111111111) - use 16-bit math
  3. Given the final state of the system in your solution to problem 1d:
    1. Draw the page tables for processes E, F, G and H.
    2. Translate the following logical addresses into physical addresses and check for validity:
      1. Process E, address C12h (0000110000010010)
      2. Process H, address 7FFh (0000011111111111)
      3. Process H, address 800h (0000100000000000)

Created by: Tim Singer May 5, 2003