CIS 122 - Algorithms and Programming

Bare Facts

[picture of the book's cover]
Brief Description
An introduction to computer programming and computer science, using the Python programming language.
Much like C++, Python is an object oriented language that supports multiple ways of getting the job done. Python is extensively used by Google, Industrial Light and Magic, NASA, and many more, and is primarily used for its clean, understandable syntax and the way it allows the programmer to get the job done as quickly as possible.
Peter Boothe - email, 346-4436, web, and AIM
10-11:50 MoTuWeThFri / 105 Fenton B26 Klamath
Office Hours
4-5 Tuesday, 2-3 Thursday
Credit Hours/Grading
4 Credit hours for a real, live, GPA-affecting grade
We will be using Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science by John Zelle.
Who should take this class?
Everyone who wants to understand these machines that are becoming more and more inextricably linked with our daily lives. And people who need a science/math credit to graduate.



  1. Do any 3 programming assignments from Chapter 2 - bring printouts of your solutions to me on Wednesday.
  2. Do any 3 programming assignments from Chapter 4 - bring printouts of your solutions to me on Monday.


  1. Silly game - Due midnight Thursday
  2. Unit Conversion - Due 9pm Tuesday
  3. Pig Latin - Due 11pm Thursday
  4. Bouncing Ball Simulation - Due 11pm Monday
  5. Final Project Proposal - Due in class on Wednesday
  6. Drawing dogs - Due 11pm Friday


If you have any feedback about what is going well and what is going poorly for you, I would love to hear it! Please come and talk to me, send me an email, or if it is something that you are not comfortable signing your name to, you can tell me about it anonymously.


Late Work

If I haven't started grading the assignments yet, late work is accepted with no penalty. After that it is 20% for every day late. After the assignment has been handed back to everyone, you can't turn it in. All of this can be changed if you get sick or have some kind of emergency. But let me know before you fail to turn in the assignment. If you are wondering whether or not you can still turn it in, you should check this page. Your current assignment looks like this, things with a past-due date that look like this can still be turned in as late work, while things that look like this have already been handed back, so you can't turn them in. If you cannot see what I am talking about, enable CSS in your browser.

Because this class is a 4-week instensive, I'm going to try and have a really fast grading turnaround so that you can get feedback ASAP. Last year I was usually able to return assignments the next day. This means that if you are going to be late turning stuff in, LET ME KNOW, because you might very easily find yourself out of luck if I return assignments the next day.


This course is in large part a practicum, which is a fancy Latin way of saying that you will be doing a lot of practice. The gist of the grade is 2/3 correct code and 1/3 good style. These are not hard numbers, but instead are guidelines for the grader (which is me). I'll discuss this more in class.


You're in college. You've made it this far. By now you either have enough character not to cheat, or you'll do it anyway. But just in case, let me say it right here: DON'T CHEAT. It is completely unacceptable academically and, on a more personal level, totally pisses me off. Anyone cheating will end up getting prosecuted as much as possible. Please don't make me do this. Everyone involved hates it. I could spell out a bunch of rules, but they would come down to: do your own work, and be ethical and honest. If you need any refinements on this, please come and see me, I will be happy to talk to you about the specifics of a particular situation. Err on the side of full disclosure - if you talked with someone about how to solve the problem, a little comment noting that fact is the right thing to do. Despite this warning, I have caught people cheating in almost every class I have ever taught. There's not that many of you, and I'm going to have to read all of your code in order to grade it. Please don't cheat.


You should be having it. Python is a fun language to program in, and computer programming can be a very empowering experience!

Questions? Answers!
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