CIS 122 Final Project

A huge part of your grade is your final project. The final project should show off what you've learned during this class, and hopefully it will be something you can be pretty proud of.

Tuesday, July 29, 11:30am
All the final projects are posted. See the projects page for details.

I've already talked to everyone about their final project. This page is really just a place to submit it. You can submit multiple versions if you need to, but make sure you get something submitted by 5:00pm on Friday, July 18th.

Remember that one third of your grade will be on program style. This can be somewhat subjective, but we've covered the main guidelines you need to follow during class. They are:

  • descriptive variable names
  • a high-level main function that organizes your program well
  • no repetitive blocks of code with just one value changed, use a loop or a function instead
  • no really long functions, split it up into its components if it runs for more than 30 or 40 lines

You must submit a program that runs. It doesn't necessarily need to do everything that you set out to do at the beginning, but it needs to at least run some basic functionality without dying.


Submit your final project and any data files it requires. You must submit a program that runs! As I mentioned above, it doesn't need to do everything perfectly, but if I can't even start it without it dying, your grade won't be all that good.

You should also submit some reasonably detailed notes about what your program does. Use the notes field, or submit a readme file with your project.

This assignment is due Friday, July 18th at 5:00pm.

Use the submit form at the bottom of this page to turn in your work.


Use this form to submit your completed final project. If you submit it once and then find a mistake and want to submit it again, you can. You can submit as many versions as you'd like and I'll generally only look at the last one.

What is your student #?
What is your name?
What is your email?
Notes about this assignment:
Use the notes field to mention if you worked in a group or got help with any part of the assignment. Also note if something doesn't work correctly, it shows that you know about the problem. If you don't mention it, I'll assume you didn't test your code, and thus will grade you more harshly.
What files would you like to submit?
For the final project you can submit up to six files. This should allow you to submit the basic program along with any data files that it needs. I would prefer it if you would limit yourself to just six files. If you have a bunch of data files, just send me the most interesting ones. Some of you may _require_ more than six files for your program to function though, in that case create a zip file (or any kind of archive) of the data files. See me if you have any questions about how to do that.

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