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In addition to the class web pages, we will use three web-based applications as follows:

Top Hat (paid): Top Hat supports an interactive classroom environment allowing students to respond to questions, gauge understanding, and discuss results in real time using any mobile device (phone, tablet, laptop, etc.). To use Top Hat, students will need to register with the service and pay a subscription fee if you do not already have one for another class. Here is a link to Orientation Information and a Getting Started page. The least costly subscription is $24.00.

Piazza (free): Piazza provides a forum for discussion and, particularly, for asking questions of the instructor (anonymously if necessary). You will be sent an email with instructions for enrolling in the CIS 422 Piazza class. Enrollment is free.

Assembla (free): Assembla provides a collaborative on-line work space for project teams. Each team will be provided their own Assembla site and will enroll team members to access that site. Teams will use the Assembla site to create and maintain project deliverables including code and documentation. Enrollment in Assembla is free.


Slack: Slack provides a messaging app for teams with more options and flex ability than Assembla. Students may want to try Slack to augment other forms of team communication.