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N. Trebon, A. Morris, J. Ray, S. Shende, and A. Malony, "Performance Modeling of Component Assemblies with TAU," Proc. Workshop on Component Models and Frameworks in High Performance Computing (CompFrame 2005).

Keywords: CCA, TAU, CFRFS, Proxy components, performance modeling

The Common Component Architecture (CCA) is a component-based methodology for developing scientific simu- lation codes. This architecture consists of a framework which enables components, (embodiments of numerical algorithms and physical models) to work together. Components publish their interfaces and use interfaces published by others. Com- ponents publishing the same interface and with the same func- tionality (but perhaps implemented via a different algorithm or data structure) may be transparently substituted for each other in a code or a component assembly. Components are compiled into shared libraries and are loaded in, instantiated and composed into a useful code at runtime. Details regarding CCA can be found in [1], [2]. An analysis of the process of decomposing a legacy simulation code and re-synthesizing it as components can be found in [3], [4]. Actual scientific results obtained from this toolkit can be found in [5], [6].


Created: Tue May 17 15:13:34 2005

Current Collection: Conferences and Workshops
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