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Keywords: component software, performance, parallel, distributed, optimization, CCA, TAUThis work targets the emerging use of software component technology for high-performance scientific parallel and distributed computing. While component software engineering will benefit the construction of complex science applications, its use presents several challenges to performance measurment, analysis, and optimization. The performance of a component application depends on the interaction (possibly non-linear) of the composed component set. Furthermore, a component is a "binary unit of composition" and the only information users have is the interface the component provides to the outside world. A performance engineering methodology and development approach is presented to address evaluation and optimization issues in high-performance component environments. We describe a prototype implementation of a performance measurement infrastructure for the Common Component Architecture (CCA) system. A case study demonstrating the use of this technology for integrated measurement, monitoring, and optimization in CCA component-based applications is given.
Modified: Fri Apr 1 15:23:49 2005
Created: Mon Feb 16 09:38:02 2004
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