Speedy: An Integrated Performance Extrapolation Tool for pC++ Programs*

Bernd W. Mohr, Allen D. Malony Kesavan Shanmugam
Department of Computer and Information Science Convex Computer Corp.
University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403, USA Richardson, TX 75083, USA
{mohr,malony}@cs.uoregon.edu kesavans@convex.com

Abstract. Performance extrapolation is the process of evaluating the performance of a parallel program in a target execution environment using performance information obtained for the same program in a different environment. Performance extrapolation techniques are suited for rapid performance tuning of parallel programs, particularly when the target environment is unavailable. This paper describes one such technique that was developed for data-parallel C++ programs written in the pC++ language. In pC++, the programmer can distribute a collection of objects to various processors and can have methods invoked on those objects execute in parallel. Using performance extrapolation in the development of pC++ applications allows tuning decisions to be made in advance of detailed execution measurements. The pC++ language system includes TAU, an integrated environment for analyzing and tuning the performance of pC++ programs. This paper presents speedy, a new addition to TAU, that predicts the performance of pC++ programs on parallel machines using extrapolation techniques. Speedy applies the existing instrumentation support of TAU to capture high-level event traces of a n-thread pC++ program run on a uniprocessor machine together with trace-driven simulation to predict the performance of the program run on a target n-processor machine. We describe how speedy works and how it is integrated into TAU. We also show how speedy can be used to evaluate a pC++ program for a given target environment.

Keywords: performance prediction, extrapolation, object-parallel programming, trace-driven simulation, performance debugging tools, and modeling.


pC++ and TAU
Static Analysis Tools
Dynamic Analysis Tools
ExtraP - A Performance Extrapolation Tool for pC++
Performance Extrapolation
A Performance Extrapolation Technique for pC++
Simulation Architecture and Models
Integrating TAU and ExtraP

1 Introduction

One of the foremost challenges for a parallel programmer is to achieve the best possible performance for an application on a parallel machine. For this purpose, the process of performance debugging (the iterative application of performance diagnosis [8] and tuning) is applied as an integral part of a parallel program development methodology. Application of performance debugging in practice has invariably required the development of performance tools based on the measurement and analysis of actual parallel program execution. Parallel performance environments [16] support performance debugging through program instrumentation, performance data analysis, and results presentation tools, but have often lacked in their integration with parallel programming systems. However, recent efforts on developing portable high- level parallel language systems has motivated work in integrated program analysis environments where performance debugging concerns are more closely coupled with the language's use for program development [10,14]. Of particular interest is the incorporation of performance prediction support in the programming environment for giving feedback to the user on algorithm implementation or to the compiler on optimization strategies [5,11]. In most instances, however, there is a dependence on actual machine access for performance debugging, restricting the parallel programmer to consider optimization issues only for physically available machines. For parallel programs intended to be portable to a variety of parallel platforms, and scalable across different machine and problem size configurations, undertaking performance debugging for all potential cases, whether by empirical evaluation or prediction based on measurement, is usually not possible.

Ideally, an integrated program analysis environment that supports performance debugging would include a means to predict performance where only limited access (if any) to the target system is given. The environment would measure only those performance data which is necessary, and use high-level analysis to evaluate different program alternatives under different system configuration scenarios. In this manner, the environment would enable performance-driven parallel program design where algorithm choices could be considered early in the development process [21]. The user would demand a level of detail from predicted performance analysis comparable to that provided by measurements; however, static prediction tools often cannot provide this. Similarly, the user will be frustrated if the time taken to generate predicted results is significantly greater than the time taken by measurement-based experiments, a problem often faced by simulation systems that analyze program execution at too low a level. For example, the Proteus system [3] and the Wisconsin Wind Tunnel [17] have considerably advanced the efficiency and effectiveness of dynamic prediction techniques for architectural studies, but the overhead is still too high to allow their use for rapid and interactive performance debugging.

In this paper, we describe a performance prediction technique that combines high-level modeling with dynamic execution simulation to facilitate rapid performance debugging. The technique is one example of a general prediction methodology called Performance Extrapolation that estimates the performance of a parallel program in a target execution environment by using the performance data obtained from running the program in a different environment. In [20], we demonstrated that performance extrapolation is a viable process for parallel program performance debugging that can be applied effectively in situations where standard measurement techniques are restrictive or costly. From a practical standpoint, performance extrapolation methods must address the problem of how to achieve the comparative utility and accuracy of measurement-based analysis without incurring the expense of detailed dynamic simulation, yet at the same time retaining the flexibility and robustness of model-based prediction techniques. However, there remains the problem of how performance extrapolation can be seamlessly integrated in a parallel language system, where it both leverages and complements the capabilities of the program analysis framework.

We have integrated our performance extrapolation techniques into the TAU program analysis environment for pC++, a data-parallel C++ language system. In Section 2, we describe the pC++ language and the features of TAU to show how the environment can easily be extended to support performance prediction of pC++ programs. The performance extrapolation approach to pC++ prediction is discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, we show how the performance extrapolation techniques have been integrated into TAU, in the form of the speedy tool. We performed several experiments which we used to validate Speedy's results (Section 5) and to evaluate its use for program tuning (Section 6). The paper concludes with a discussion on future work.

2 pC++ and TAU

In this section, we give a brief overview of TAU, (TAU, for Tuning and Analysis Utilities), an integrated, portable program and performance analysis environment for pC++. pC++ is a language extension to C++ designed to allow programmers to compose distributed data structures with parallel execution semantics. The basic concept behind pC++ is the notion of a distributed collection, which is a structured set of objects which are distributed across the processing elements of the computer. To accomplish this, pC++ provides a simple mechanism to build collections of objects from a base element class. Member functions from this element class can be applied to the entire collection (or a subset) in parallel. This mechanism provides the user with a clean interface to data-parallel style operations by simply calling member functions of the base class. To help the programmer build collections, the pC++ language includes a library of standard collection classes that may be used directly or subclassed. This includes classes such as DistributedArray, DistributedMatrix, and DistributedVector.

pC++ and its runtime system have been ported to several shared and distributed memory parallel systems, validating the system's goal of portability. The ports include the KSR-1, Intel Paragon, TMC CM-5, IBM SP-1 / SP-2, Sequent Symmetry, SGI Challenge, Onyx, and PowerChallenge, Cray T3D, Meiko CS-2, Convex SPP and homogeneous clusters of UNIX workstations using PVM and MPI. pC++ also has multi-threading support for running applications in a quasi-parallel mode on UNIX workstations; supported thread systems are Awesime [6], Pthreads, LWP, and the AT&T task library. This enables the testing and pre-evaluation of parallel pC++ applications in a familiar desktop environment. More details about the pC++ language and runtime system can be found in [1,12].

TAU provides a collection of tools with user-friendly graphical interfaces to help a programmer analyze the performance of pC++ programs. Elements of the TAU graphical interface represent objects of the pC++ programming model: collections, classes, methods, and functions. These language-level objects appear in all TAU tools. By plan, TAU was designed and developed in concert with the pC++ language system. It leverages off pC++ language technology, especially in its use of the Sage++ toolkit [2] as an interface to the pC++ compiler for instrumentation and for accessing properties of program objects. TAU is also integrated with the pC++ runtime system for profiling and tracing support. Because pC++ is intended to be portable, the tools are built to be portable as well. C++ and C are used to ensure portable and efficient implementation, and similar reasons led us to choose Tcl/Tk [15] for the graphical interface.

The TAU tools are implemented as graphical hypertools. While the tools are distinct, providing unique capabilities, they can act in combination to provide enhanced functionality. If one tool needs a feature of another one, it sends a message to the other tool requesting it (e.g., display the source code for a specific function). With this design approach, the toolset can be easily extended. TAU meanwhile has also been retargeted to other programming environments, including HPF.

One important goal in TAU's development was to make the toolset as user-friendly as possible. For this purpose, many elements of the graphical user interface are analogous to links in hypertext systems: clicking on them brings up windows which describe the element in more detail. This allows the user to explore properties of the application by simply interacting with elements of most interest. The TAU tools also support the concept of global features. If a global feature is invoked in any of the tools, it is automatically executed in all currently running tools. Examples of global features include locating information about a particular function or a class across all the tools.


Fig. 1.pC++ Programming Environment and TAU Tools Architecture

Figure 1 shows the pC++ programming environment and the associated TAU tools architecture. The pC++ compiler frontend takes a user program and pC++ class library definitions (which provide the predefined collection types) and parses them into an abstract syntax tree (AST). All access to the AST is done via the Sage++ library. Through command line switches, the user can choose to compile a program for profiling, tracing, and breakpoint debugging. In these cases, the instrumentor is invoked to do the necessary instrumentation in the AST. The pC++ backend transforms the AST into plain C++ with calls to the pC++ runtime system. This C++ source code is then compiled and linked by the C++ compiler on the target system. The compilation and execution of pC++ programs can be controlled by cosy (COmpile manager Status displaY); see Figure 6, bottom. This tool provides a graphical interface for setting compilation and execution parameters. The program and performance analysis environment is shown on the right side of Figure 1. They include the integrated TAU tools, profiling and tracing support, and interfaces to stand-alone performance analysis tools developed partly by other groups [7,9,13,16]. The TAU toolset provides support both for accessing static program information and for analyzing dynamic data obtained from program execution.

2.1 Static Analysis Tools

One of the basic motivations behind using C++ as the base for a new parallel language is its proven support for developing and maintaining complex and large applications. However, to apply the C++ language capabilities effectively, users require support tools to manage and access source code at the level of programming abstractions.

Currently, TAU provides three tools to enable the user to quickly get an overview of a large pC++ program and to navigate through it: the global function and method browser fancy (File ANd Class displaY), the static callgraph display cagey (CAll Graph Extended displaY), and the class hierarchy display classy (CLASS hierarchY browser). The tools are integrated with the dynamic analysis tools through the global features of TAU, allowing the user to easily find execution information about language objects. For instance, to locate the corresponding dynamic results (after a measurement has been made), the user only has to click on the object of interest (e.g., a function name in the callgraph display).

2.2 Dynamic Analysis Tools

Dynamic program analysis tools allow the user to explore and analyze program execution behavior. This can be done in three general ways. Profiling computes statistical information to summarize program behavior, allowing the user to find and focus quickly on the main bottlenecks of the parallel application. Tracing portrays the execution as a sequence of abstract events that can be used to determine various properties of time-based behavior. Breakpoint debugging allows a user to stop the program at selected points and query the contents of program state. For all analysis modes, the most critical factor for the user is how the high-level program semantics are related to the measurement results. TAU helps in presenting the results in terms of pC++ language objects and in supporting global features that allow the user to locate the corresponding routine in the callgraph or source text by simply clicking on the related measurement result or state objects.

TAU's dynamic tools currently include an execution profile data browser called racy (Routine and data ACcess profile displaY), an event trace browser called easy (Event And State displaY), and a breakpoint debugger called breezy (BReakpoint Executive Environment for visualiZation and data displaY). A more detailed discussion of the TAU tools can be found in [4,12,14].

3 ExtraP - A Performance Extrapolation Tool for pC++

ExtraP is a performance extrapolation system for pC++ that has been integrated into TAU in the guise of speedy. This section explains the modeling approach of extrapolation and the techniques used by ExtraP.

3.1 Performance Extrapolation

Performance extrapolation (Figure 2) is the process of obtaining the performance information PI1 of a parallel program for an execution environment E1 and using PI1 to predict the performance information PI2p (the superscript p indicates a predicted quantity) of the same program in a different execution environment E2. The performance information PI2p is then used to compute the predicted performance metrics of the program in E2, PM2p. This process can be considered as a translation or extrapolation of PI1 to PI2p using the knowledge about E1 and its similarities to and differences from E2. As used above, an execution environment embodies the collection of compiler, runtime system, and architectural features that interact to influence the performance of a parallel program. If in addition the execution environment E2 is physically available, it can be used to validate the predicted results PM2 by comparing them against the measured results PM2.


Fig. 2.Performance Extrapolation

3.2 A Performance Extrapolation Technique for pC++

We have developed a technique that extrapolates the performance of a n-thread pC++ program from a 1-processor execution to a n-processor execution. In this technique, a n-thread pC++ program is executed on a single processor using a non-preemptive threads package. Important high-level events including remote accesses and barriers are recorded along with timestamps during the program run in a trace file. The instrumented runtime system is configured such that these remote accesses are treated as taking place instantaneously and the threads are seen to be released from a barrier as soon as the last thread enters it. Such a trace file captures the order of events in a pC++ program along with the computation time between the events, but leaves the actual timing of the events for later extrapolation analysis.

The events are then sorted on a per thread basis, adjusting their timestamps to reflect concurrent execution. This is possible because the non-preemptive threads package switches the threads only at synchronization points, and because global barriers are the only synchronization used by pC++ programs. This imposes a regular structure to the trace file where each thread records events between the exit from a barrier and an entry into another without being affected by another thread. The sorted trace files look as if they were obtained from a n-thread, n-processor run, except that they lack certain features of a real parallel execution. For example, the timings for remote accesses and barriers are absent in these trace files. A trace-driven simulation using these trace files attempts to model such features and predict the events as they would have occurred in a real n-processor execution environment. The extrapolated trace files are then used to obtain various performance metrics related to the pC++ program. The technique is depicted in Figure 3. For more details refer to [18,19,20]. The next section explains the various models used for trace-driven simulation.


Fig. 3.A Performance Extrapolation Technique for pC++

3.3 Simulation Architecture and Models

The trace-driven simulation is the heart of the pC++ performance extrapolation. The simulation system consists of three main components: the processor, the remote data access, and the barrier model. The processor model uses a simple ratio of processor speeds to scale the computation time between events from the measurement environment to the target environment. It is also responsible for choosing a policy for servicing remote data references; when a request for data is submitted by a remote thread, a processor can service it in three different ways:
No interrupt:
In this case, no messages are handled during the time between events. Messages are processed only when a thread waits for a barrier release or a remote data access reply.
In this case, an arrival of a message for a particular thread interrupts its com- putation. After the message is processed, the thread resumes its computation.
The scaled computation time between events is split into smaller chunks, and at the end of each chunk, the thread processes messages that have been received dur- ing that time.
The remote data access model determines how a remote data access is translated into messages and how it is handled by the various components in the system. During the simulation each remote access in the program is modelled as a remote request for data from one thread to the thread that "owns" the data. The owner thread services the request and returns the data to the requesting thread. This is equivalent to how the pC++ system operates in distributed memory environments. Hence, messages are the natural representation for the remote access protocol in the simulation. Figure 4 graphically depicts the how the remote data accesses are processed in the simulation using messages. The remote data access model itself is composed of three subcomponents: the runtime system, the network interface, and the interconnect network model. Each of these models have various parameters that represent the characteristics of the remote data access model. For example, the interconnect network model includes the latency, bandwidth of the target platform as its parameters.


remote reference made by thread; "get" message created in RSIM which models runtime overhead
"get" message passed to NIM which models transfer to network (setup overhead and latency)
"get" message passed to INM which models network delay; message delivered to receiving NIM
NIM models transfer of "get" message to runtime system message receive queue
RSIM models polling or interrupt driven message handling; "element" message created in RSIM
transfer of "element" message to RSIM of requesting thread modeled by NIM and INM
RSIM models message handling while waiting for a reply; "element" data passed to thread

Fig. 4.Remote Data Access Model

ExtraP uses a linear, master-slave barrier model to handle the barrier events. Thread 0 acts as the master thread while all the other threads are slaves. Every slave thread entering a barrier sends a message to the master thread and waits for a release message from the master thread to continue to the next data- parallel phase.The master thread waits for messages from all the slaves and then sends release messages to all of them. For distributed memory systems, the pC++ runtime system must continue to service remote data access messages that arrive at a processor even when the threads that run on that processor have reached the barrier. This is also true in the simulation. The parameters in the barrier model can be controlled so that hardware barriers or barriers implemented through shared memory can be represented. The linear barrier model delivers an upper bound on barrier synchronization times. We can easily substitute other barrier algorithms (e.g. logarithmic) if a more accurate simulation of barrier operation is required.

Parameter Description Example
EntryTime Time for each thread to enter a barrier. 5.0 msec
ExitTime Time for each thread to exit the barrier. 5.0 msec
CheckTime Delay incurred by the master thread every time it checks if all the threads have reached the barrier. 2.0 msec
ExitCheckTime Delay incurred by a slave thread every time it checks to see if the master has released the barrier. 2.0 msec
ModelTime Time taken by the master thread to start lowering the barrier after all the slaves have reached it. 10.0 msec
BarrierByMsgs 1 - use actual messages for barrier synchronization. The message transfer time will contribute to the barrier time.
0 - do not use actual messages for barriers.
BarrierMsgSize Size of a message used for barrier synchronization. 16

Tab. 1. Parameters for the Barrier Model

All models described above have a variety of parameters that can be tuned to match a specific target environment. For example, Table 1 lists the parameters used in the barrier model and their sample values. For a complete list of parameters, refer to [18,20]. The next section explains how these parameters can be set and the extrapolation experiment carried out using TAU. A new addition to TAU called speedy interacts with ExtraP to perform the necessary extrapolation experiments. This integration of ExtraP with TAU is import because ExtraP is intended to be used as part of a program analysis environment to provide a performance debugging methodology.

4 Integrating TAU and ExtraP

ExtraP is integrated with in two ways: First, for generating the traces needed for the simulation, ExtraP uses the extensive built-in event tracing system of pC++. The pC++ compiler has an integrated instrumentor module for automatic instrumentation of the application program. If necessary, the user can also use an instrumentation command file to selectively insert additional trace recording instructions. In addition, there are instrumented versions of the predefined pC++ class/collection library and the pC++ runtime system. The inserted event markers in the different modules of the system are assigned to event classes (e.g., user, runtime, collections) which can be activated or deactivated separately at runtime. Event tracing is fully operational on all parallel computer systems supported by pC++. This has several advantages for an ExtraP user. The traces used for simulation can be analyzed with all the event trace browsers supported by TAU (currently easy, Pablo [16], SIMPLE [13], and upshot [9]). As the ExtraP model is based on the operational characteristics of pC++ event classes, the user can also generate semantically equivalent traces on real parallel computer systems for comparing or validating the extrapolation results. Finally, the users can use TAU's integrated performance analysis tool, racy, to analyze their program execution and compare these to the simulated results. For example, in Figure 5, racy displays performance results for the pC++ Poisson benchmark (used in Section 6) executed on a 8 processor SGI PowerChallenge. Racy measures and displays function execution time profiles (shown on the left) and local/remote data access ratios (on the right).


Fig. 5.RACY Performance Analysis Display for Poisson Benchmark


Fig. 6.TAU Main Control Window and COSY

Second, the actual extrapolation experiments can be controlled through a new TAU tool speedy (Speedup and Parallel Execution Extrapolation DisplaY). Pressing the speedy button in the TAU main control window (see Figure 6, top), brings up its main control panel (see Figure 7). Here, the user can control the compilation of the specified pC++ object program, specify the parameters for the extrapolation model and the experiment, execute the experiment, and finally view the experiment results. Speedy uses cosy (see Figure 6, bottom) for automatically performing the necessary compilation, execution, trace processing, and extrapolation commands. Speedy also automatically keeps track of all parameters by storing them in experiment description files and managing all necessary trace and experiment control files. By loading a former experiment description file into speedy, the user can re-execute the experiment or just reuse some of the parameter specifications.


Fig. 7.SPEEDY Main Control Panel

In Figure 7, the user specified an complex experiment where the value of the parameter Number of Processors is stepping through powers of two starting from one to thirty-two. In addition, the parameter Latency should vary between 10 and 100 in steps of 10. After each iteration of the extrapolation, the execution time as well as the speedup graph is updated. The user can also perform smaller experiments by specifying a special value -NONE- as the second or for both varying parameters.

The experiment and extrapolation model parameters can be entered and viewed through the ExtraP parameter file viewer (see Figure 8). Numerical parameters can either be entered directly into the input entry or manipulated through a slider bar and increment / decrement buttons. Parameters with discrete values can be specified through a pull-down menu (like ProcessMsgType in the picture). In Figure 8, the viewer displays the parameters associated with the modeling of the processor of the target machine. Other modeling parameter groups can be displayed by pressing one of the buttons in the top of the viewer window. Besides the five parameter groups described in Section 3.3, the group General allows the setting of parameters controlling the generation and post-processing of the execution traces.


Fig. 8.ExtraP Parameter File Viewer

5 Validation

For performance extrapolation to be an effective technique for performance debugging, it must be able to produce results that closely match the performance behavior found in actual target systems. In the case of pC++, there are many target systems, as the language is intended to be portable. In extrapolating to any particular target system, or even to a hypothetical system, the key is to capture as best as possible the characteristics of the execution environment in the parameters used for extrapolation. To validate ExtraP, we took a simple matrix multiplication program written in pC++ (MatMul) and performed processor scaling experiments for different matrix distribution choices, extrapolating the performance to a CM-5 execution environment. The program was run with nine different combinations of two- dimensional data distributions for the matrices, as determined by the per dimension distribution attributes available under the pC++ compiler: BLOCK, CYCLIC, and WHOLE. The trace files were generated on a Sun 4 machine and then extrapolated using simulation parameters to match the CM-5. The predicted execution times from ExtraP and the actual results from CM-5 are shown in Figure 9.


Fig. 9.Results from MatMul Program

The extrapolation clearly brings out the effect of data distribution on the execution time of MatMul. In addition to matching the general shape of the actual curves, the predicted curves also reasonably match the relative ranking of the different distributions. The extrapolation picks out the same best choice as the measurement for all number of processors except 32, in which case the execution time of the predicted best choice in the actual machine is within 3% of the optimum. This demonstrates that extrapolation can capture the relative performance ordering of algorithm design choices and, thus, can be used to make optimization decisions during the performance tuning process.

Concerning actual execution times, the predicted values differ somewhat from the measured values. Although they are not excessive, certain errors are expected, considering the fact that a high-level simulation has been performed to achieve these results. Our opinion is that the shape and relative positioning of the curves is more important. The trade-off in accuracy, of course, can be found in the utility and speed of extrapolation. The ability of extrapolation to predict the results very quickly without compromising the relative ordering of various design choices makes it very attractive in a rapid prototyping environment.

6 Experiments

In this section, we will see how speedy can be used during the development cycle of pC++ programs. Speedy allows the programmer to explore various design choices during the development process itself. Speedy also provides a framework in which the user can study different parts of the program and their contributions to the performance of the program. In this sense, speedy can be used as a profile prediction tool for parallel programs. Speedy allows all of this to be done from a workstation environment without ever having to run the programs on target machines.

Our first experiment is designed to show how various design choices can be made using speedy. This can be easily seen in the MatMul matrix multiplication program we used for validating the speedy tool (see Figure 9, right). Using a (WHOLE/WHOLE) distribution for the data is obviously a bad choice. In general, the predicted results suggest to use a (BLOCK, WHOLE) distribution. The results also show that (BLOCK, BLOCK) wins if the number of processors is a perfect square which even beats (BLOCK, WHOLE) on 16 processors. Such crossover point information is very useful for the programmer during the development process.


Fig. 10.Predicted Results for Poisson

The goal of our next experiment is to show how speedy can be used to selectively study various portions of the program. Such profile information is useful when the programmer wants to tune parts of the program for a particular machine. We used the pC++ version of the NAS benchmark Poisson as the test case. It is a fast poisson solver which uses FFT based sine transforms together with a cyclic reduction algorithm to solve PDEs. We used TAU to selectively instrument the code for the transforms and cyclic reduction. After extrapolating the performance to a CM-5 architecture, speedy predicted the results shown in Figure 10. While the code for sine transforms scales up very well with a speedup of 28.69 for 32 processors, the speedup curve for cyclic reduction starts to flatten after 16 processors. A further study of the trace files revealed that there are no remote accesses in the sine transform part of the poisson solver which accounts for its near-linear speedup. In contrast, the number of remote accesses in cyclic reduction increases as the number of processors thus affecting the performance badly. The overall speedup for Poisson is predicted to be in between that of sine transforms and cyclic reduction. This experiment tells us that to improve the performance of Poisson, we must tune Cyclic reduction first because it is the bottleneck. Speedy can be used in this way to locate bottlenecks in a program. The performance behavior observed using speedy is consistent with actual results [12].

7 Conclusion

The speedy and ExtraP tools are representative of the level of parallel performance evaluation support that is expected to be available for high-level parallel languages and to be integrated in program analysis environments where a performance engineered code development process is desired. The requirement for performance prediction as part of this process, is driven by the need to evaluate parallel codes that are intended to be ported to different execution platforms. Furthermore, the integration aspects (e.g., of merging ExtraP into TAU) are of key importance as the extrapolation techniques must utilize the compiler, runtime system, and tool infrastructure to make the application of performance prediction in parallel code development feasible.

Our future work will concentrate on making the ExtraP technology more robust with additional models so that the different target system environments can be better represented. We also intend to extend the capabilities of the speedy tool to provide more support for automated performance experimentation and to better link the TAU analysis and visualization tools to the performance data that ExtraP produces.

Documentation, technical papers, and source code for pC++, Sage++, and TAU are available via FTP from ftp://ftp.extreme.indiana.edu/pub/sage or via WWW at the URLs http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/sage and http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/paracomp/tau.

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Thu Jul 6 1995