The Bitonic Sort Module

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The Bitonic Sort Module

To illustrate the programming tools in the system we will focus on the task of analyzing and tuning a single application based on a classical parallel algorithm: Batcher's bitonic sort. Sequentially sub-optimal, but a very parallelizable sorting algorithm, bitonic sort is based on the bitonic merge, a natural application of divide-and-conquer. A bitonic sequence consists of two monotonic sequences that have been concatenated together where a wrap-around of one sequence is allowed. That is, it is a sequence

where for some , and for index positions and , with , is monotonic and the remaining sequence starting at , where follows , is monotonic in the reverse direction. See Knuth [1] for details.

The bitonic merge can be stated in its most compact form as follows

    input: an array of items a[0:2**n-1] containing a  bitonic sequence.
    merge(a, n, direction){                                          
       k = 2**(n-1)           
       foreach i in 0 to k-1 do  
            if(((direction == increasing) && (a[i] > a[i+k]) ||
               ((direction == decreasing) && (a[i] < a[i+k])))
                          swap(a[i], a[i+k]);                 
       //now a[0:k-1] and a[k:2**n-1] are both bitonic and
       //for all i in [0:k-1] and j in [k:2**n-1]         
       //         a(i) <= a(j) if direction = increasing and
       //         a(j) <= a(i) if direction = decreasing    
       merge(a[0:k-1], n-1, direction);  merge(a[k:2**n-1], n-1, direction);
Merging a bitonic sequence of length involves a sequence of data exchanges between elements that are apart, followed by data exchanges between elements that are apart, etc. The full sort is nothing more than a sequence of bitonic merges. We start by observing that and is a bitonic sequence of two items for each even . If we merge these length two bitonic sequences into sorted sequences of length two and if we alternate the sort direction, we then have bitonic sequences of length four. Merging two of these bitonic sequences (of alternating direction) we have sorted sequences of length 8. This is illustrated in Figure 1 below where the vertical axis represents time steps going down the page.

Figure 1: Data exchanges in the Bitonic Sort Algorithm

A data parallel version of this algorithm is given by

sort(a, n){ 
     m = 2**n;               // m = size of array
     for(i = 1; i < n; i++){  // merge(i) step
        k = 2**i; 
        forall(s in 0:m-1) d[s] = (s/k) mod 2; // d is the direction
        for(j = k/2; j > 0; j = j/2){ // exchange(j) step
           forall(s in 0:m-1) d2[s] = (s/j) mod 2;
           forall(s in 0:m-1) where(d2[s]==1)  tmp[s] = a[s-j];
           forall(s in 0:m-1) where(d2[s]==0)  tmp[s] = a[s+j];
           forall(s in 0:m-1) where((d == d2) && (a > tmp)) a = tmp;
           forall(s in 0:m-1) where((d != d2) && (a <= tmp)) a = tmp;

In an object parallel version of this algorithm we construct a set of objects , where each object contains a value from the sequence and a temporary variable . The exchange step in the merge is replaced by communication where object will grab from and store the value in its temp variable. In this operation, if ; otherwise. Once the values have been accessed and stored in the temporary variable, we make a comparison and test. Object will replace with the value if the appropriate conditions are satisfied. The code for this can be derived from the data parallel version of the algorithm by rewriting it in terms of the action on a single array element as described above. As a C++ class this would appear as follows

class ListItem{
     item a;         // the data item
     item temp;      // a temporary value for the data swap step.
     int direction;  // a flag that store the direction of the current merge
     int i;          // the position of this object in the aggregate 
     ListItem *thisCollection;  // a pointer to the collection
     void merge(distance);     // the bitonic merge
     void sort(n);             // the bitonic sort
     void grabFrom(distance);  // access the data from another ListItem
     localMerge(dist);   // the test and swap step

    for(d = 1; d < n; d++)  merge(d);
ListItem::merge(int level){
    direction = (i/(2**level) % 2;                      
    for(int d = level-1; d >= 0; d--){
           int distance = 2**d;       
   if((i/dist) % 2) temp_data = thisAggregate[myPosition+dist].data;
   else             temp_data = thisAggregate[myPosition-dist].data;
ListItem::localMerge(int dist){
   int d2;                                      
   d2 = (i/dist) % 2;
   if((direction == d2) && (a > temp)) a = temp;
   if((direction != d2) &&( a <= temp)) a = temp;

From the perspective of pC++ parallel programming, there is one very critical point in the code above. That is, there is a potential race condition in the merge step. To see this, observe that if each object in the collection is executing the merge function then, in the loop, one must make sure that the data read operation in grabFrom executes after the other object has completed the localMerge step of the previous iteration. To enforce this rule we have inserted a barrier synchronization step which causes all object to wait at this position before advancing to the next iteration. The insertion of this operation has serious impact on the asymptotic complexity of this algorithm. If there are processors, the standard algorithm has time complexity . By adding the barrier synchronization, we have increased the complexity to .

Another serious problem with the algorithm is that it is very inefficient if the number of processors available is less than . In the N-body application, we need to sort tens of millions of particles on machines ranging from 8 to 1024 processors. Consequently, we need a version of the algorithm that requires fewer processors. Fortunately, there is an easy way to increase the granularity of the computation so that each object holds a vector of particles. If we replace the ListItem class above with a class called

  class Pvector{
     item a[K];   // K is the size of the local vector
     item temp[K];
and a standard quicksort function qsort(direction) to the class that sorts the local vector of item in the given direction, then the changes to the program are very small. We only need to make sure that the initial vectors are sorted and that they are resorted at the end of each merge step.
    direction = (i/(2**level)) % 2;
    for(int d = level-1; d >= 0; d--){
           int distance = 2**d;
    for(d = 1; d < n; d++)  merge(d);
In addition to the changes above, the function localMerge must be modified to operate on a vector of data. If we assume that the quicksort computation runs with an average execution time of for some constant and if we ignore the cost of the barrier synchronization, and assume that there are processors available and the size of the list to sort is , then the time to sort is roughly

where is a constant that depends upon communication speed. Given a sequential complexity of we see that the parallel speed-up is of the form

which, for large , is of the form .

It is important to notice that at the end of each merge step, just before the quicksort is called, the local vector is a bitonic sequence due to its construction. Hence, it is possible to apply a sequential bitonic merge that runs in time rather than the quicksort. This changes the approximate execution time to be

and the speed-up becomes

which, for large , is of the form .

Our focus for the remainder of this paper will be on using the tools to explore several questions about this algorithm posed by the analysis above. In particular, we are interested in using the tools to consider the following.

  1. Does barrier synchronization adds a significant penalty to the complexity that is not accounted for in the analysis above? What percent of the time is actually spent in barrier synchronization for problems of a size that is significant for the application?
  2. Given that bitonic merge is communication intensive (in fact, the bisection bandwidth of the communication graph scales linearly with the problem size), what percent of the time is spent in communication on different machines?
  3. How significant is the improvement in the ``modified'' version of the algorithm which replaces the quicksort in each merge step by a local bitonic merge?

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Bernd W. Mohr
Thu Jan 5 14:01:02 PST 1995