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Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Visualizing Parallel Programs and Performance, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 4, July 1995, pp. 12-14.

Keywords: parallel performance visualization, scientific visualization, data explorer

Performance visualization uses graphical display techniques to analyze performance data and improve understanding of complex performance phenomena. Current parallel performance visualizations are predominantly two-dimensional. A primary goal of our work is to develop new methods for rapidly prototyping multidimensional performance visualizations. By applying the tools of scientific visualization, we can prototype these next-generation displays for performance visualization -- if not implement them as end-user tools -- using existing software products and graphical techniques that physicists, oceanographers, and meteorologists have used for several years.


Modified: Fri Dec 13 09:39:09 1996
Created: Thu Dec 12 11:52:24 1996

Current Collection: Journals
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