Table of Contents
- 6.1. Q. What routines account for the most time? How much?
- 6.2. Q. What loops account for the most time? How much?
- 6.3. Q. What MFlops am I getting in all loops?
- 6.4. Q. Who calls MPI_Barrier() Where?
- 6.5. Q. How do I instrument Python Code?
- 6.6. Q. What happens in my code at a given time?
- 6.7. Q. How does my application scale?
A. Create a flat profile with wallclock time.
% setenv TAU_MAKEFILE /opt/apps/tau/tau2/x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt-pgi
% set path=(/opt/apps/tau/tau2/x86_64/bin $path)
% make
(Or edit Makefile and change
% qsub run.job
% paraprof -–pack app.ppk
Move the app.ppk file to your desktop.
% paraprof app.ppk