Table of Contents
The database schema in TAUdb is designed to flexibly and efficiently store multidimensional parallel performance data. There are 5 dimensions to the actual timer measurements, and 4 dimensions to the counter measurements
Timer dimensions
Process and thread of execution
Timer source code location (i.e. foo())
Metric of interest (i.e. FP_OPS, TIME)
Phase of execution (i.e. iteration number, timestamp)
Dynamic timer context (i.e. parameter values)
Counter dimensions
Process and thread of execution
Timer source code location (i.e. foo())
Phase of execution (i.e. iteration number, timestamp)
Dynamic timer context (i.e. parameter values)
Below is the SQL schema definition for TAUdb.
/****************************/ /* CREATE THE STATIC TABLES */ /****************************/ CREATE TABLE schema_version ( version INT NOT NULL, description VARCHAR NOT NULL ); /* IF THE SCHEMA IS MODIFIED, INCREMENT THIS VALUE */ /* 0 = PERFDMF (ORIGINAL) */ /* 1 = TAUDB (APRIL, 2012) */ /*VALUES (1, 'TAUdb redesign from Spring, 2012');*/ INSERT INTO schema_version (version, description) VALUES (2, 'Changes after Nov. 9, 2012 release'); /* These are our supported parsers. */ CREATE TABLE data_source ( id INT UNIQUE NOT NULL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, description VARCHAR ); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('ppk',0,'TAU Packed profiles (TAU)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('TAU profiles',1,'TAU profiles (TAU)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('DynaProf',2,'PAPI DynaProf profiles (UTK)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('mpiP',3,'mpiP: Lightweight, Scalable MPI Profiling (Vetter, Chambreau)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('HPM',4,'HPM Toolkit profiles (IBM)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('gprof',5,'gprof profiles (GNU)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('psrun',6,'PerfSuite psrun profiles (NCSA)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('pprof',7,'TAU pprof.dat output (TAU)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('Cube',8,'Cube data (FZJ)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('HPCToolkit',9,'HPC Toolkit profiles (Rice Univ.)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('SNAP',10,'TAU Snapshot profiles (TAU)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('OMPP',11,'OpenMP Profiler profiles (Fuerlinger)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('PERIXML',12,'Data Exchange Format (PERI)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('GPTL',13,'General Purpose Timing Library (ORNL)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('Paraver',14,'Paraver profiles (BSC)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('IPM',15,'Integrated Performance Monitoring (NERSC)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('Google',16,'Google profiles (Google)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('Cube3',17,'Cube 3D profiles (FZJ)'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('Gyro',100,'Self-timing profiles from Gyro application'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('GAMESS',101,'Self-timing profiles from GAMESS application'); INSERT INTO data_source (name,id,description) VALUES ('Other',999,'Other profiles'); /* threads make it convenient to identify timer values. Special values for thread_index: -1 mean (nulls ignored) -2 total -3 stddev (nulls ignored) -4 min -5 max -6 mean (nulls are 0 value) -7 stddev (nulls are 0 value) */ CREATE TABLE derived_thread_type ( id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, description VARCHAR NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO derived_thread_type (id, name, description) VALUES (-1, 'MEAN', 'MEAN (nulls ignored)'); INSERT INTO derived_thread_type (id, name, description) VALUES (-2, 'TOTAL', 'TOTAL'); INSERT INTO derived_thread_type (id, name, description) VALUES (-3, 'STDDEV', 'STDDEV (nulls ignored)'); INSERT INTO derived_thread_type (id, name, description) VALUES (-4, 'MIN', 'MIN'); INSERT INTO derived_thread_type (id, name, description) VALUES (-5, 'MAX', 'MAX'); INSERT INTO derived_thread_type (id, name, description) VALUES (-6, 'MEAN', 'MEAN (nulls are 0 value)'); INSERT INTO derived_thread_type (id, name, description) VALUES (-7, 'STDDEV', 'STDDEV (nulls are 0 value)'); /**************************/ /* CREATE THE TRIAL TABLE */ /**************************/ /* trials are the top level table */ CREATE TABLE trial ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR, /* where did this data come from? */ data_source INT, /* number of processes */ node_count INT, /* legacy values - these are actually "max" values - i.e. not all nodes have * this many threads */ contexts_per_node INT, /* how many threads per node? */ threads_per_context INT, /* total number of threads */ total_threads INT, /* reference to the data source table. */ FOREIGN KEY(data_source) REFERENCES data_source(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /******************************/ /* CREATE THE DATA DIMENSIONS */ /******************************/ /* threads are the "location" dimension */ CREATE TABLE thread ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* trial this thread belongs to */ trial INT NOT NULL, /* process rank, really */ node_rank INT NOT NULL, /* legacy value */ context_rank INT NOT NULL, /* thread rank relative to the process */ thread_rank INT NOT NULL, /* thread index from 0 to N-1 */ thread_index INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(trial) REFERENCES trial(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* metrics are things like num_calls, num_subroutines, TIME, PAPI counters, and derived metrics. */ CREATE TABLE metric ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* trial this value belongs to */ trial INT NOT NULL, /* name of the metric */ name VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* if this metric is derived by one of the tools */ derived BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, FOREIGN KEY(trial) REFERENCES trial(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* timers are timers, capturing some interval value. For callpath or phase profiles, the parent refers to the calling function or phase. */ CREATE TABLE timer ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* trial this value belongs to */ trial INT NOT NULL, /* name of the timer */ name VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* short name of the timer - without source or parameter info */ short_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* filename */ source_file VARCHAR, /* line number of the start of the block of code */ line_number INT, /* line number of the end of the block of code */ line_number_end INT, /* column number of the start of the block of code */ column_number INT, /* column number of the end of the block of code */ column_number_end INT, FOREIGN KEY(trial) REFERENCES trial(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* timer index on the trial and name columns */ CREATE INDEX timer_trial_index on timer (trial, name); /***********************************/ /* CREATE THE TIMER RELATED TABLES */ /***********************************/ /* timer groups are the groups such as TAU_DEFAULT, MPI, OPENMP, TAU_PHASE, TAU_CALLPATH, TAU_PARAM, etc. This mapping table allows for NxN mappings between timers and groups */ CREATE TABLE timer_group ( timer INT, group_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(timer) REFERENCES timer(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* index for faster queries into groups */ CREATE INDEX timer_group_index on timer_group (timer, group_name); /* timer parameters are parameter based profile values. * an example is foo (x,y) where x=4 and y=10. In that example, * timer would be the index of the timer with the * name 'foo (x,y) <x>=<4> <y>=<10>'. This table would have two * entries, one for the x value and one for the y value. */ CREATE TABLE timer_parameter ( timer INT, parameter_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, parameter_value VARCHAR NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(timer) REFERENCES timer(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* timer callpath have the information about the call graph in a trial. * If the profile is "flat", these will all have no parents. Otherwise, * the parent points to a node in the callgraph, the calling timer * (function). */ CREATE TABLE timer_callpath ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* what timer is this? */ timer INT NOT NULL, /* what is the parent timer? */ parent INT, FOREIGN KEY(timer) REFERENCES timer(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(parent) REFERENCES timer_callpath(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* By definition, profiles have no time data. However, there are a few * examples where time ranges make sense, such as tracking call stacks * or associating metadata to a particular phase. The time_range table * is used to give other measurements a time context. The iteration * start and end can be used to indicate which loop iterations or * calls to a function are relevant for this time range. */ CREATE TABLE time_range ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* starting iteration */ iteration_start INT NOT NULL, /* ending iteration. */ iteration_end INT, /* starting timestamp */ time_start BIGINT NOT NULL, /* ending timestamp. */ time_end BIGINT ); /* timer_call_data records have the dynamic information for when a node * in the callgraph is visited by a thread. If you are tracking dynamic * callstacks, you would use the time_range field. If you are storing * snapshot data, you would use the time_range field. */ CREATE TABLE timer_call_data ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* what callgraph node is this? */ timer_callpath INT NOT NULL, /* what thread is this? */ thread INT NOT NULL, /* how many times this timer was called */ calls INT, /* how many subroutines this timer called */ subroutines INT, /* what is the time_range? this is for supporting snapshots */ time_range INT, FOREIGN KEY(timer_callpath) REFERENCES timer_callpath(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(thread) REFERENCES thread(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(time_range) REFERENCES time_range(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* timer values have the timer of one timer on one thread for one metric, at one location on the callgraph. */ CREATE TABLE timer_value ( /* what node in the callgraph and thread is this? */ timer_call_data INT NOT NULL, /* what metric is this? */ metric INT NOT NULL, /* The inclusive value for this timer */ inclusive_value DOUBLE PRECISION, /* The exclusive value for this timer */ exclusive_value DOUBLE PRECISION, /* The inclusive percent for this timer */ inclusive_percent DOUBLE PRECISION, /* The exclusive percent for this timer */ exclusive_percent DOUBLE PRECISION, /* The variance for this timer */ sum_exclusive_squared DOUBLE PRECISION, FOREIGN KEY(timer_call_data) REFERENCES timer_call_data(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(metric) REFERENCES metric(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* one metric, one thread, one timer */ CREATE INDEX timer_value_index on timer_value (timer_call_data, metric); /*************************************/ /* CREATE THE COUNTER RELATED TABLES */ /*************************************/ /* counters measure some counted value. */ CREATE TABLE counter ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, trial INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(trial) REFERENCES trial(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* counter index on the trial and name columns */ CREATE INDEX counter_trial_index on counter (trial, name); CREATE TABLE counter_value ( /* what counter is this? */ counter INT NOT NULL, /* where in the callgraph? */ timer_callpath INT, /* what thread is this? */ thread INT NOT NULL, /* The total number of samples */ sample_count INT, /* The maximum value seen */ maximum_value DOUBLE PRECISION, /* The minimum value seen */ minimum_value DOUBLE PRECISION, /* The mean value seen */ mean_value DOUBLE PRECISION, /* The variance for this counter */ standard_deviation DOUBLE PRECISION, FOREIGN KEY(counter) REFERENCES counter(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(timer_callpath) REFERENCES timer_callpath(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(thread) REFERENCES thread(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* one thread, one counter */ CREATE INDEX counter_value_index on counter_value (counter, thread); /**************************************/ /* CREATE THE METADATA RELATED TABLES */ /**************************************/ /* primary metadata is metadata that is not nested, does not contain unique data for each thread. */ CREATE TABLE primary_metadata ( trial INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, value VARCHAR, FOREIGN KEY(trial) REFERENCES trial(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* create an index for faster queries against the primary_metadata table */ CREATE INDEX primary_metadata_index on primary_metadata (trial, name); /* secondary metadata is metadata that could be nested, could contain unique data for each thread, and could be an array. */ CREATE TABLE secondary_metadata ( id VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* trial this value belongs to */ trial INT NOT NULL, /* this metadata value could be associated with a thread */ thread INT, /* this metadata value could be associated with a timer that happened */ timer_callpath INT, /* which call to the context timer was this? */ time_range INT, /* this metadata value could be a nested structure */ parent VARCHAR, /* the name of the metadata field */ name VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* the value of the metadata field */ value VARCHAR, /* this metadata value could be an array - so tokenize it */ is_array BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, FOREIGN KEY(trial) REFERENCES trial(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(thread) REFERENCES thread(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(timer_callpath) REFERENCES timer_callpath(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(parent) REFERENCES secondary_metadata(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(time_range) REFERENCES time_range(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); /* create an index for faster queries against the secondary_metadata table */ CREATE INDEX secondary_metadata_index on secondary_metadata (trial, name, thread, parent); /**************************************/ /* CREATE THE METADATA RELATED TABLES */ /**************************************/ /* this is the view table, which organizes and filters trials */ create table taudb_view ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* views can be nested */ parent INTEGER NULL, /* name of the view */ name VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* view conjoin type for parameters */ conjoin VARCHAR NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (parent) REFERENCES taudb_view(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); create table taudb_view_parameter ( /* the view ID */ taudb_view INTEGER NOT NULL, /* the table name for the where clause */ table_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* the column name for the where clause. If the table_name is one of the metadata tables, this is the value of the "name" column */ column_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* the operator for the where clause */ operator VARCHAR NOT NULL, /* the value for the where clause */ value VARCHAR NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (taudb_view) REFERENCES taudb_view(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); /* simple view of all trials */ INSERT INTO taudb_view (parent, name, conjoin) VALUES (NULL, 'All Trials', 'and'); /* must have a parameter or else the sub views for this view do not work correctly*/ INSERT INTO taudb_view_parameter (taudb_view, table_name, column_name, operator, value) VALUES (1, 'trial', 'total_threads', '>', '-1'); /* the application and experiment columns are not used in the latest schema, but keeping them makes the code in PerfExplorer simpler. */ create table analysis_settings ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, taudb_view INTEGER NULL, application INTEGER NULL, experiment INTEGER NULL, trial INTEGER NULL, metric INTEGER NULL, method VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, dimension_reduction VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, normalization VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (taudb_view) REFERENCES taudb_view(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (trial) REFERENCES trial(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (metric) REFERENCES metric(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); create table analysis_result ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, analysis_settings INTEGER NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, thumbnail_size INTEGER NULL, image_size INTEGER NULL, thumbnail BYTEA NULL, image BYTEA NULL, result_type INTEGER NOT NULL ); /* Performance indexes! */ create index trial_name_index on trial(name); create index timer_name_index on timer(name); CREATE INDEX timer_callpath_parent on timer_callpath(parent); CREATE INDEX thread_trial on thread(trial); CREATE INDEX timer_call_data_timer_callpath on timer_call_data(timer_callpath); CREATE INDEX counter_name_index on counter(name); CREATE INDEX timer_call_data_thread on timer_call_data(thread); /* SHORT TERM FIX! These views make sure that charts (mostly) work... for now. */ DROP VIEW IF EXISTS interval_location_profile; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS interval_mean_summary; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS interval_total_summary; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS interval_event_value; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS interval_event; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS atomic_location_profile; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS atomic_mean_summary; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS atomic_total_summary; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS atomic_event_value; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS atomic_event; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW interval_event (id, trial, name, group_name, source_file, line_number, line_number_end) AS SELECT, t.trial,, tg.group_name, t.source_file, t.line_number, t.line_number_end FROM timer_callpath tcp INNER JOIN timer t ON tcp.timer = INNER JOIN timer_group tg ON tg.timer =; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW interval_event_value (interval_event, node, context, thread, metric, inclusive_percentage, inclusive, exclusive_percentage, exclusive, call, subroutines, inclusive_per_call, sum_exclusive_squared) AS SELECT tcd.timer_callpath, t.node_rank, t.context_rank, t.thread_rank, tv.metric, tv.inclusive_percent, tv.inclusive_value, tv.exclusive_percent, tv.exclusive_value, tcd.calls, tcd.subroutines, tv.inclusive_value / tcd.calls, tv.sum_exclusive_squared FROM timer_value tv INNER JOIN timer_call_data tcd on tv.timer_call_data = INNER JOIN thread t on tcd.thread =; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW interval_location_profile AS SELECT * from interval_event_value WHERE thread >= 0; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW interval_total_summary AS SELECT * from interval_event_value WHERE thread = -2; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW interval_mean_summary AS SELECT * from interval_event_value WHERE thread = -1; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW atomic_event (id, trial, name, group_name, source_file, line_number) AS SELECT, c.trial,, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM counter c; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW atomic_event_value (atomic_event, node, context, thread, sample_count, maximum_value, minimum_value, mean_value, standard_deviation) AS SELECT cv.counter, t.node_rank, t.context_rank, t.thread_rank, cv.sample_count, cv.maximum_value, cv.minimum_value, cv.mean_value, cv.standard_deviation FROM counter_value cv INNER JOIN thread t ON cv.thread =; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW atomic_location_profile AS SELECT * FROM atomic_event_value WHERE thread >= 0; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW atomic_total_summary AS SELECT * FROM atomic_event_value WHERE thread = -2; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW atomic_mean_summary AS SELECT * FROM atomic_event_value WHERE thread >= -1;