Please see examples/upc for more details.
To instrument Berkeley UPC with GASP, configure TAU with -upcnetwork=<option>
/where option is "mpi" or "udp". Then use a selective instrumentation file like the one shown below.
BEGIN_INSTRUMENT_SECTION forall routine="#" loops routine="#" barrier routine="#" fence routine="#" notify routine="#" END_INSTRUMENT_SECTION
Then can be used to build the application. If "udp" is used with -upcnetwork, then upcrun can be used to run the application. For "mpi", mpirun or a similar mechanism can be used.
To instrument UPC with Cray CCE compilers, the following will produce a configuration that supports Cray UPC and may be used with
module load PrgEnv-cray ./configure -arch=craycnl -pdt=<dir> -pdt_c++=g++
TAU can also build the DMAPP wrapper using Cray CCE compilers. When the -optDMAPP option is used when building the application with TAU using TAU_OPTIONS, DMAPP events are automatically instrumented with