Table of Contents
TAU must be configured with the -TRACE
option to generate event traces. This can be used in conjunction with
to generate both profiles and traces. The
traces are stored in a directory specified by the environment variable
, or the current directory, by default.
The environment variables TAU_TRACEFILE
may be used to
specify the name of Vampir trace file. When this variable is set,
trace files are automatically merged and the tau2vtf is invoked to convert
the merged trace file to VTF3 trace format. This conversion takes place on
node 0, thread 0. The intermediate trace files are deleted. To retain the
trace files, the user can set the environment variable
to true. When
is not specified, the user needs to merge
and convert the traces as below.
% ./configure -arch=sgi64 -TRACE -mpi -vtf=/usr/local/vtf3-1.34 -slog2 % make clean; make install % setenv TRACEDIR /users/sameer/tracedata/experiment56 % mpirun -np 4 matrix
This generates files named
tautrace.<node>.<context>.<thread>.trc and events.<node>.edf
When generating a Vampir Trace Format (otf or vtf) these environment variables maybe helpful:
Prefix used for trace filenames. Default is "a". -
Write compressed trace files? Default is "yes"
Using the utility, these traces are then merged as shown below:
This generates tau.trc as the merged trace file and tau.edf as the merged event description file. can take an optional argument (with -n <value>) to specify the maximum number of trace files to merge in each invocation of tau_merge. If we need to merge 2000 trace files and if the maximum number of open files specified by unix is 250, will incrementally merge the trace files so as not to exceed the number of open file descriptors. This is important for the IBM BlueGene/L machine where such restrictions are present on the front-end node.
To convert merged or per-thread traces to another trace format, the utilities, tau2otf, tau_convert, tau2vtf, or tau2slog2 are used as shown below:
Usage: tau2otf [ -n streams ] [ -nomessage ] [ -v ] [ -z ] -n streams : Specifies the number of output streams (default is 1) -nomessage : Suppresses printing of message information in the trace -v : Verbose mode sends trace event descriptions to the standard output as they are converted -z : Compressed output
Here is an example:
%> tau2otf tau.trc tau.edf out.otf
Converting to Vampir's VTF format:
% tau2vtf Usage: tau2vtf <TAU trace> <edf file> <out file> [-a|-fa] [-nomessage] [-v] -a : ASCII VTF3 file format -fa : FAST ASCII VTF3 file format -nomessage : Suppress printing of message information in the trace -v : Verbose Default trace format of <out file> is VTF3 binary e.g., tau2vtf merged.trc tau.edf app.vpt.gz % tau2vtf matrix.trc tau.edf matrix.vpt.gz % vampir matrix.vpt.gz
To generate slog2 trace files that may be visualized using Jumpshot, we recommend using the slog2 SDK and Jumpshot bundled with TAU.
% configure -slog2 -TRACE ... % tau2slog2 tau2slog2 converts a TAU formatted trace file to the SLOG2 format for Jumpshot trace visualizer Usage: tau2slog2 <tau_tracefile> <edf_file> -o <slog_tracefile> For e.g., % tau2slog2 app.trc tau.edf -o app.slog2
To generate traces that may be visualized using Vampir, we recommend using tau2vtf over the older tau_convert tool. tau2vtf can produce binary traces with user-defined events (hardware performance counters from PAPI etc.) while tau_convert cannot do this. Binary traces load faster in Vampir.
% tau_convert usage: tau_convert [-alog | -SDDF | -dump | -paraver [-t] | -pv | -vampir [-longsymbolbugfix] [-compact] [-user|-class|-all] [-nocomm]] inputtrc edffile [outputtrc] Note: -vampir option assumes multiple threads/node Note: -t option used in conjunction with -paraver option assumes multiple threads/node
To view the dump of the trace in text form, use
% tau_convert -dump matrix.trc tau.edf
tau_convert can also be used to convert traces to the Vampir trace format. For
single-threaded applications (such as the MPI application above), the
option is used to generate Vampir traces as
% tau_convert -pv matrix.trc tau.edf matrix.pv % vampir matrix.vpt.gz &
To convert TAU traces to SDDF
trace formats, -SDDF
options may be used. When multiple threads are
used on a node (as with -jdk, -pthread or
options during configure), the
option is used to convert the traces to the
vampir trace format, as shown below:
% tau_convert -vampir smartsapp.trc tau.edf smartsapp.pv % vampir smartsapp.pv &
To convert to the Paraver trace format, use the
option for single threaded programs and
-paraver -t
option for multi-threaded programs.
NOTE: To ensure that inter-process
communication events are recorded in the traces, in addition to the
routine transitions, it is necessary to insert
macro calls in the source code
during instrumentation. This is not needed when the TAU MPI wrapper
library is used.
Vampir format traces may be converted to TAU profiles using the vtf2profile tool.
% vtf2profile -f matrix.vpt.gz -p profiledatadir % vtf2profile Usage: vtf2profile [options] ***************************HELP*************************** * '-h' display this help text. * * '-c' open command line interface. * * '-f' used as -f <VTF File> where * * VTF File is the name of the trace file * * to be converted to TAU profiles. * * '-p' used as -p <path> where 'path' is the relative * * path to the directory where profiles are to * * stored. * * '-i' used as -i <from> <to> where 'from' and 'to' are* * integers to mark the desired profiling interval.* **********************************************************