Chapter 2. Installation and Configuration

PerfExplorer uses PerfDMF databases so if you have not already you will need to install PerfDMF, see ???. To configure PerfExplorer move to the tools/src/PerfExplorer/ directory in you TAU distribution. Type:


If you haven't already done so for other TAU tools, add [path to tau]/tau2/apple/bin to your path.

The following command-line options are available to configure:

2.1. Available configuration options

  • -engine=<analysis engine>

    Specifies the data-mining engine to use. The supported options include weka and R.

  • -rroot=<directory>

    Specifies the directory where R is installed. Specifically, it should be the directory where the bin, include, lib, library and share directories are located.

  • -objectport=<available network port>

    Specifies the port that the PerfExplorer server should use, when running PerfExplorer in client-server mode. Select an available network port, and make sure that other appropriate network configurations are made (firewalls, etc.). The default port is 9999.

  • -registryport=<available network port>

    Specifies the port that the rmiregistry should use, when ruining PerfExplorer in client-server mode. Select an available network port, and make sure that other appropriate network configurations are made (firewalls, etc.). The default port is 1099.

  • -server=<server name>

    Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the server where PerfExplorer is run, when running PerfExplorer in client-server mode.