How to declare additional attributes

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How to declare additional attributes

The first five fields pid, oid, mtype, mtag, msize are primitive attributes of an event. But Ariadne allows the user to add attributes to communication events in an effort to capture state information. One can, for instance, add the values of variables x and y at the local thread every time a message is received. The user can inform Ariadne about this, by specifying

add fields int x, y to R;
which adds the new attributes x and y to each R event. The syntax is
add fields <type> <attr-list> to <event-list>;

Also, the message tags related to each message vary from program to program. So the user needs to tell Ariadne, what message tags to expect. This can be done with

add utag <tag-name> to <event-list>;

Joydip Kundu