Available filters

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Available filters

The standard technique for tracing is to have each process write to its local log file, the history of the messages sent and received. The filter pgon2ave is provided to qualesce the local log files to a single trace file. The invocation is odne by

pgon2ave <trace-file-name>

The local trace files all have the same prefix trace-prefix. For instance, in Paragon we may have for a 4 processor system, local trace files named aa_pgon_trace0, aa_pgon_trace1, aa_pgon_trace2, aa_pgon_trace3. This will require the filter to be invoked as

ave2pgon aa_pgon_trace 4
from the command line.

ave2pgon expects a file that lists the correspondence between the string and the integer representations of the message tags.

Similarly during replay, each process consults its local replay file to guide it through reexecution. The filter ave2pgon is provide to break up a single trace file written by Ariadne into individual local replay files to be processed by the replay managers.

Joydip Kundu